Chapter 9: A Race To The Ballroom

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~  Clay's POV  ~

A few hours had passed and it was now 5:56PM, I decided to read until 6:10 since I had everything, I just needed to get ready.

I picked a random book to read, sitting at my desk. My thoughts filled my brain for half the time that I read.

Sapnap was getting ready early since he was so excited, he said he would be back soon; he left at 5:30.

It finally turned 6:10 and I started getting ready. I put on a green suit and debated if I should take my mask.

I decided I would, but I wouldn't wear it since my parents would say it isn't  'prince like' so I hid the mask under my coat. I fluffed my curly hair to make it a bit messy but not too much.

(This basically what Clay's/Dream's suit looks like but if you want to imagine him in a different suit that would fit him better than go ahead:] )

(This basically what Clay's/Dream's suit looks like but if you want to imagine him in a different suit that would fit him better than go ahead:] )

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Funny enough, as soon as I finished getting ready the one and only burst into my room, Sapnap. He was wearing a red suit with a black buttoned up shirt under his tie and coat, it was odd seeing him in fancy clothes really.

He always wore casual clothing, mostly a white shirt with a flame in the middle and if he wasn't wearing casual clothing, he was wearing armor.

"Hey Sap! Nice suit man." I say, I was shocked by the suit, honestly, I thought he wouldn't dress up and just wear armor.

(This is basically the suit Sapnap is wearing but if you want to imagine him in a different suit than go ahead:] )

(This is basically the suit Sapnap is wearing but if you want to imagine him in a different suit than go ahead:] )

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"Thanks man, not bad yourself. Are you excited Dreamyyyy?" he asked, a stupid question honestly.

Of course I was excited, maybe I'll finally stop thinking about this prince or princess, key word: maybe.

"Of course, dude! I've been filled with excitement since I found out about the party!" Even talking with Sapnap, I still can't get this prince or princess off my mind.

"Same man! Maybe I'll find someone smexy." He says pausing his sentence to wiggle his eyebrows. "Anyways, speaking of the party your parents sent me up here to get you, people would be arriving shortly, and they want you to see the ballroom." Sapnap said happily, obviously super excited for this party just as I was.

"Alright, let's go then! Wanna race?" I asked, with a competitive look on my face. "Duh, let's go!" Sapnap with the same amounts of competitiveness in him.

We race to the ballroom, me winning. "Woooo! Let's go!" I celebrate, Sapnap giving me a mad but joking look, he punches my shoulder and laughs a bit.

"Whatever, let's go wait to start partying." He says, opening the doors and walking into the ballroom. "Yeah, just give me a minute."

I said to Sapnap, he nods silently and walks away. I look led to the ground, it's today, the party is starting, and I will finally see this mysterious prince or princess.

I smiled but inside I'm screaming, I'm so nervous to see this mysterious person I've never met, but so ready. I look up with a determined look and open the ballroom doors.

Let's do this.


Word count: 550

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