Chapter 41: Purpled's Game Idea

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~ Clay's POV ~


My eyes shot open to the sudden sound of knocking on the door, I turned my body to the other side where the sun wasn't blinding me and where the sounds came from. "Come in!" I shouted to whoever was banging on my door.

The door opens to reveal my raven-haired friend "Sapnap! I thought you had guard duties to do today, what happened?" I questioned, sitting up and ruffling my hair. "They let me have a free day for doing so well." Sapnap grinned proudly.

"That's great dude, so what do you want to do?" I asked, getting up from my bed and heading to my dresser to grab my clothes and cloak. "Well, I was wondering what Skeppy and Bad are doing today, I haven't talked to them in a good while." Sapnap asked.

"Yeah, I'm down. They shouldn't be doing anything today, I talked to them the other day, Skeppy's totally still crushing on Bad, I can't believe he hasn't told him yet! They've been friends since what? 8?" I laughed, motioning Sapnap to turn around so I could change.

Sapnap caught on and turned around, "Yeah, I know right! Like everyone knows they have a thing for each other BUT THEM! Plus to add on to you saying Skeppy is still crushing on him it's obvious Bad likes him too, like have you seen how he blushes when he sees Skeppy!?"

"We really gotta help them out Sapnap." I say laughing while I changed. "I'm so down, actually Purpled, wait you know who Purpled is right?" Sapnap asked, "Duh, head guard, I obviously know him, my parents picked him after all."

"Oh, yeah oops!" Sapnap says, "Anyways, he told me about a cool game idea where you basically ask someone to pick truth or dare and if they pick dare you dare them to do something and if they choose truth you ask them to reveal a truth about themselves." Sapnap explained.

"And you want to try the game with them?" I asked, putting on my cloak. "Yeah! Are you down?" Sapnap asked. I mean, I had nothing better to do so might as well. "Why not? We can go now if you're ready to leave." I said. He nodded and turned around "Well then, let's go."


We made it down to the kitchen and of course saw Skeppy and Bad, they seemed to just be talking, Skeppy paused when he saw us and waved us over "Hey, Dream and Sapnap!" He said smiling.

Bad turned to look at us and gave us a smile with a wave. "Hey, Bad and Skeppy. So, are you guys busy?" I asked, Bad looked back at Skeppy "I don't think so, Skeppy?" Bad asked Skeppy, "Nope!" Skeppy said.

"Perfect! So, I got a game idea from Purpled and we were wondering if you wanted to try it out with us?" Sapnap asked "Sure! Me and Bad were getting quite bored anyways." Skeppy said. Sapnap explained the rules and they nodded.

"Alright, do you guys just want to sit on the ground?" Bad questions. We all agreed and got into place, Bad next to Skeppy and Sapnap next to me. "Alright so how do we start?" Bad asked "I'll start first and good luck because I'm not going easy on you guys later in the game." Sapnap said.

"Alright, Bad, truth or dare?" Sapnap questioned. "Ummm, truth..." Bad said "Okay, easy one. Favorite type of muffins?" Sapnap asked. "Oh! Definitely chocolate-chip! But I liked all muffins but that's by far my favorite." Bad explained. We all agreed I mean; chocolate chip is really good.

"Okay, now Bad ask anyone Truth or Dare." Sapnap said and Bad nodded. "Uh... okay Dream! Truth or Dare?" Bad asked. "Um. I'll go easy first and choose Truth." I said to Bad. "Okay, umm... how are you today?"

"Bad! What kind of question is that!?" Sapnap exclaimed. "I'm sorryyyy, I couldn't think of anything!" Bad said pouting, crossing his arms. "Well, I'm doing okay." I said laughing at the look on Sapnap's face. "Whatever, Dream pick someone." Sapnap said sassy.

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