Chapter 11: Like Me or Like Me Not?

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~  Clay's POV  ~

My parents greet the king and queen, I knew it was the king and queen because I've seen them multiple times from being forced to go to meetings.

They introduce the prince's personal guard, Karl. I glance at Sapnap and I smirk, he's smiling with a light pink blush spreading on his face.

"Sorry, my son is taking a breather. He's a bit nervous, he'll be in soon!" the queen says. Huh, guess I'm not the only one that's nervous then.

A few minutes after a short boy wanders in, going to his personal guards side, he's looking down at his feet and then raises his head, his eyes making eye contact with mine.

Only one word feels right in this moment.


~  George's POV  ~

I stared at the prince, the one if been dreaming and thinking about for a day straight. I knew this guy or girl would be attractive, but wow. I guess I can stop guessing if they're a prince or a princess now.

He's tall, probably around 6 something, his eyes are a piss yellow but from what I've learn, anything that looks like a piss yellow is green, can't be too sure though.

He has a black suit on with a piss yellow looking tie, again I assume is green but still can't be sure, and he has curly blonde hair.

Wow. This guy looks amazing.

Is this a dream?

~  Clay's POV  ~

As soon as we make eye contact my brain melts, he's so... attractive.

His chocolate brown eyes capture mine; I feel my face heating up, but I can't look away. He has dark brown hair, ruffled a bit. He has a blue suit on, he also looks kind of short.

A pink blush quickly comes to his cheeks, I thought he couldn't get any cuter but here I am, blushing even hard just from him getting flustered.

"Ah! Here he is!" the queen says, placing a hand on his shoulder, he glances up to his mother, breaking me from my trance.          

"This is George, my son, this is mostly likely your first time meeting him since he doesn't go to the meetings."

George? I already made up a nickname, 'Georgie' or even 'Gogy' I would call him gorgeous, but he might find that weird since I've just met him.

My father glances at me giving me the 'introduce yourself' look. I was freaking out, but I introduce myself "Hi, I'm Clay but you can call me Dream, it's nice to meet you, George!"

He looks back at me and smiles, I mouth a quick, 'hi' his face turning pink once again and he did the same, then quickly looking away, trying to hide it. Huh, he's even cuter when he's nervous.

After introductions and all, people from my kingdom and Asterin, started flooding the ballroom quickly, everyone looking like they would prefer to be elsewhere.

I really hope this party helps this rivalry because this prince has captured my eye, and let's say I don't exactly give up on things easily.

I'm less nervous about the rivalry, I'm more worried that well...

Maybe he won't like me? 


Word count: 529

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