Chapter 23: We Can't Control all of Our Dreams

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Tw: slight nsfw but hey fluff at the end

~ Clay's POV ~

After George left, I felt different, like I found a part of me and then it walked away.

It hurt, I'm not going to lie, I felt the same as I did each day, sad; but of course, I acted fine with my fake smile and all.

Sapnap went to the spare room that we had given him, my mother and father thought it is good for our personal guards to have their own personal rooms to show how much we care for them.

I remember how happy Sapnap looked when he found out he would have his own room; it was amazing to see my best friend look so happy. I smiled at the memory and went to my room.

I threw on a green shirt and gray pants, I knew I would end up taking off the shirt at some point if I got tired, but I felt like putting it on. I got in bed and got comfortable and quickly fell asleep.


I felt arms around me, in a cuddling position, "Dream, are you awake now?" I heard someone's voice say, I froze.


I looked down to see his chocolate brown eyes, I smiled and blush at the sight.

"Yup, I'm awake." I say smiling, George smiled back and gave me a kiss, I was shocked for a moment but kissed back.

He tilted his head to deepen the kiss and I put my hand on his cheek. After a few moments, he pulled away, panting from lack of breath. He smiled and got on my lap and kissed me again, this kiss soon turned to a make-out session.

His hands went up my shirt and I took it off, throwing it who knows where. I moved my lips down to his neck and he started making soft moans. I pulled my lips away from his neck connecting our lips once again.


Then I woke up. What the hell? It felt so real, I wanted to go back to the dream. I sighed, wanting to feel his lips again, even if I knew it wasn't real.

My eyesight went dark again so I knew I fell asleep. I woke up again but not in my bed, in a flower field, the sky was filled with stars. I got up and I saw George in front of me.

"C'mon Dream! We still need to head to the lake! We can come back to the field after we finish!" He said excited, I nodded, and he grabbed my hand and led to where I assume the lake was.

We walked through the woods and soon came to a clearing where a big lake was, the water reflecting was a tinted white due to the big moon over it.

"Dream! Get in!" George exclaimed happily, I turned my head to George and saw him in the lake. His shirt was off, showing his pasty white skin, the moon making it even more white looking. He had some shorts on and honestly, it was the cutest thing I've seen.

"I'm coming George!" I yell back to him; I took off my shirt and went into the water. It was a bit cold, but it didn't affect me much.

I then got an idea. I smirk and swam as fast as I could to George and tackled him, making him yelp in surprise. I laugh at his yelp and he glared at me but then started bursting out laughing with me.

After a few seconds, I pick him up and he wrapped his legs around me, our chest up against each other. I stare into his brown eyes as he stared into mine. He was smiling as much as I was.

He buried into the crook of my neck, his breath hitting my skin. "I love you, Dream." He whispered, my smile grew, and a blush invaded my cheeks. "I love you too, Georgie."

He pulled his face away and kissed me, I was shock for a moment again, like the last time, but then kissed him back. I knew this was a dream, but I wish it wasn't. It all felt perfect, but I knew it was a dream.

As if my brain knew I found out it was a dream, it ended. Waking me up in a empty room with the moon shinning through, with no George.

I sighed sadly; I knew it would be a bit for me to finally fall asleep once again.


Word count: 761

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