Chapter 44: Just Call Me George

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~   George's POV   ~

I decided to bring the plate down since it was 1:23. I marked where I was in my book and grabbed the plate, getting up from the chair and pushing it in. I opened my doors and went downstairs to the kitchen.

I was super excited to see Ranboo, we didn't talk much because he was still young meaning he was still in maid training, he only turned 17 not too long ago so he was only able to be a maid only recently. The required age was 17, I didn't know why but it was.

I arrived at the kitchen and yup. Just as I expected. Ranboo. He was washing dishes, so I walked over to him "O-oh? Huh?" Ranboo, questioned, then looking at me. "Oh! Hello, Prince George." He said almost bowing.

"Oh no, you don't need to do that Ranboo, and please, just call me George." I said, stopping Ranboo's movement. "Oh uhm okay Pr- I mean George." He said smiling. "Here, do you need me to wash that plate?" Ranboo asked, gesturing to the plate in my hands.

I looked at the sink, half filled with dishes and my plate again. "You know what? I'll do it for you, along with the others, you deserve a break Ranboo." I said with a smile. "H-huh!? No, no you don't have to do that Pri- I mean George!" He said, waving his hands.

"Please, Ranboo. Take a seat, you need a break. After everything that happened earlier today and everything I bet you're exhausted." I insisted. He was silent for a few moments then nodded, agreeing.

He sat on the counter as I started washing the dishes. "Thank you, George but uhm... I'm sorry if this sounds rude but why are you doing this? You know, helping me?" Ranboo asked. "Because it felt right, you're only 17 and deserve a break, I don't want to end up like me." I replied.

"Um, what do you mean?" He asked, quietly. "Well. I was practically trapped in this castle since I was 11. I don't want you to end up like me, trapped." I said, I could feel Ranboo's sad gaze on me but I ignored it.

"I'm sorry, George, that sounds like it sucks but uhm your mom did that? S-she just seems really nice but I'm not sure!" He stuttered out. "Oh no, it was mostly my dad, she is really nice." I said, softly smiling.

It was silent for a moment but then Ranboo spoke again "Uhm is that what uh... happened to you the other day?" Ranboo asked timidly. I quirked an eyebrow up and twisted my head to look at him in confusion "What do you mean?" confusion lacing my words.

"The uh thing that happened to me today? I couldn't help but notice the mark on your face?" Ranboo stuttered out, clearly nervous to ask. My face dropped to a sad smile, I nodded. "Thanks for caring, Ranboo." I said, turning to look back at the sink.

"Uhm, I wanted to know why he did that...If that's okay of course! It's kind if you don't want to tell me, I mean I understand if you did-" I cut him off "I had someone in my room." I said "That's not that bad!" He exclaimed, I sighed.

"No, at 4am, kissing them." I stated, it was silent for a few moments, once again before Ranboo asked me a question "W-who was it...?" he asked quietly, I looked to the left of me while still washing dishes.

Should I tell him? I mean, why not. He's friends with Karl, Karl trusts me, Ranboo trusts me. So why not? I sighed, shaking my head. "Prince Clay." I said, bland. Again it was silent. "Really! That's so cool, George!" He said, excited, his excitement confused me. "H-Huh?" I questioned.

"Shouldn't you be like 'That's horrible!' or something?" I asked, turning to look at him. "No! Of course not! I'm actually really happy for you!" He exclaimed, smiling brightly. I felt like crying, he was so sweet.

"Thank you so much Ranboo..." I said, grateful tears slipping my eyes. What the hell, why do I always end up crying without knowing I'm going to!? "Oh, Pri- George, are you okay?" He asked, concerned. "I'm fine, you're just so kind to me, I thought you would think I'm weird for liking Prince Clay..." I said as a happy sob choked out.

"Well, I think you can love whoever you want, people find me weird for thinking that but I ignore them. I stand by what I say!" He said confidently. He was pretty young but he was wise, it was refreshing to know that there's some out there like Ranboo.

I know there weren't many but there were some. I wished my father was like Ranboo but I knew he would never change this mind, he was a stubborn, fame/money-driving man. Funny enough, the kind of royals I hated the most.

I couldn't wait for him to be gone, I knew our men would have to be trained a bit more, but if it might get rid of him then I would go through tons of wars. I knew it would take my mother a while because she 'loves him.' I think she faked it for her and her kingdom's sake.

I shook those thoughts from my head. I forgot. Ranboo's here. "Georgeeee? Hello?" Ranboo said, waving his hand in front of my face. "Oh sorry, I zoned out." I said, he nodded and we ended our conversion, continuing to washing the dishes.


After I finished washing the dishes I bid Ranboo a good day and I went back to my room. To read. Like always. I sighed and continued my journey to my boring, everyday room. I wondered what I'd tell Karl.

I knew I was going to tell him about my mom getting rid of my dad, but should I tell him about Dream? The sneaking out? The kiss? How would he react? Would he be mad? No. I knew Karl wouldn't be mad.

He would call me crazy or an nimrod, but he wouldn't be mad. We've been friends for years so I knew he wouldn't be mad. But I was still nervous, obviously. I mean, if you had to tell your bestfriend that your gay, you have a crush on a neighboring prince, he snuck to your castle, you kissed him, you snuck to his castle, and you told them your mom is getting rid of your dad.

I mean, wouldn't you be nervous? Because I am crapping myself. It doesn't matter for now, I'll be telling him tomorrow. I would probably ask my mom about that little 'prince thing' I had to do with Dream tomorrow.

I had a perfect idea what I'll do tomorrow because it's obvious I don't have anything else to do today. I would ask my mom about going to Dream's castle for 'prince things', then tell Karl about everything in the morning tomorrow, ask him to come with me, get him with Sapnap, and me and Dream could go do our 'prince things.'

Wow. I never plan. I must be excited for tomorrow. I shook my head and finally got to my room. I opened the doors and headed to my desk, grabbing my book and opening the book to where I left off. Welp, time to wait for a while.


Word count: 1,255

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