Cooking Cam (Extra)

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(Chapter 15, what happened while Bad and Skeppy were cooking.)

~ Bad's POV ~

"SKEPPY!" I turned to look at Skeppy, who had just tossed some flour into my hair. I was met with Skeppy laughing, holding his stomach, and his head down, I grumbled angrily and whacked his head trying to make sure I didn't hurt him too much. "OW BAD WHAT THE MUFFIN!" Skeppy exclaimed, looking up and holding his head "Skeppy we have to make the bread for the dinner! We can't joke around." I said, crossing my arms angrily. Skeppy giggled and went behind me, I looked back at him but then he placed his hands onto my shoulders and leaned his head over my shoulder, face extremely close to mine causing my head to lean away as my face reddened.

"Oh c'mon Baddddd, live a little!" said teasing booping my nose with his finger on his right hand. I sighed and closed my eyes. It would be nice to chill for a moment. I smiled and opened my eyes again, my eyes staring into brown pondering eyes "Fine Skeppy, only for a little though we have work to do!" I said, his eyes lit up and his smile grew, nodding happily. "Yeah okay, it won't be long." Skeppy said. I smiled lightly and took Skeppy's hands off my shoulders "Let me get Foolish first, he'll take over for the time we're gone okay?" Skeppy nodded again and went to the side room where the chef's stayed. Luckily Foolish wasn't sleeping, he was sitting on the edge of his bed, reading a book with his reading glasses on. I felt bad for interrupting Foolish's reading but I wanted to please Skeppy.

"Hey Foolish?" I said, loud enough for Foolish to hear, he lifted his head and smiled "Yeah Bad?" Foolish questioned "Do you think you can cover for me and Skeppy, you know how he is with his silliness." I giggled softly, Foolish chuckled and shook his head "Yeah, I know. It's cool Bad, you and Skeppy have fun, just be sure to be back to at least bring out the plates." Foolish said, taking off his glasses and getting up, placing the glasses onto the small nightstand near his bed. I thanked him and went back out to Skeppy, who was waiting patiently for me to come back as soon as I did Skeppy's face lit up once again "Bad! Are you ready?" He asked excitedly, I smiled and nodded, Skeppy did a quick fish bump in the air and grabbed my hand, interwinding our fingers and pulling to the door that led outside, I smiled as I tried to keep up with him and keep the blushing to a minimum.


Skeppy took me to a huge apple tree that stood in the middle of the small enclosed fence that protected the tree. Skeppy plopped down, unwinding our hands making me frown a little but then Skeppy patted the glass next to him causing me to smile softly again, I plopped down next to Skeppy and rested my head against Skeppy's shoulder. I closed my eyes and inhaled the fresh air "Bad look at the sky!" Skeppy exclaimed in a quite happy tone, I exhaled quietly and looked up to the sky and smiled. The sky was completely dark with small stars, me and Skeppy always called them star freckles since they reminded us of two freckles, the moon was almost completely full, giving most of the grass and trees tint in a white. "It's pretty." I said softly, smiled "Oh, oh! Look Bad, those star freckles look like they make a diamond!" Skeppy said happily and pointed at a cluster of star freckles, after a few minutes of looking at the cluster of star freckles I finally saw it "You're right! Good job, Skeppy." I praised as my eyes flicked up to Skeppy's, Skeppy soon noticed and turned to look at me, he smiled softly as I felt heat rushing to my face, Skeppy then softly intertwined our hands, occupying my hand that was resting in my lap, Skeppy smiled softly and stared at our intertwined hands.

"You know Bad?" Skeppy said, looking back up at me, I hummed in question, I noted how Skeppy's face was lightly tinted pink "You're really cool, " Skeppy paused and looked back at the sky "like. Really, cool." He said softly, I beamed and looked back at the sky as well "You are too Skeppy." I said, face red, the cold wind gently cooling my burning cheeks, my eyes flickered back to Skeppy and I saw him still looking up at the sky, a soft smile tracing his face and his face reddened, a calm look on his face. I looked back at the sky and smiled happily. He is my home.

"Skeppy, Bad! It's time!" Foolish exclaimed, me and Skeppy looked at Foolish who was standing in the doorway with his chef uniform on and flour covering bits and places on his uniform and face. "Alright we're coming!" I exclaimed and Foolish nodded. I looked back to Skeppy who was looking at me with curiosity "Well, it's time to go Skeppy." He nodded and we got up, thanking Foolish and grabbing the plates, preparing to hand out plates.


Word count: 887

A/N: Thank you to the person who suggested I did this, it was really fun to write :) it's a bit short, since it's a small extra but I hope you guys enjoyed it!

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