Ch2. Sam

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Sam's POV

I made my way through the crowd as everyone was watching the man sing on stage. He sounded good even though I never heard of him before but he wasn't why I was there.

I didn't even look while I bumped into people here and there taking things from their pockets and purses. It was easy for me. So far I had some cash, a silver pocket watch, a bracelet from a woman I helped when she almost dropped her drink, and some other things that I would get a better look at later.

But as I started to make my way through the middle of the crowd something told me to leave. I felt like I was being watched. The feeling started to get stronger and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I stopped and looked around as the word danger rang in my head.

I started breathing heavily and my spin tingled, I felt sick. Just then loud booms started going off lighting up the sky.

I jumped high and looked up towards the stage to see fireworks going off, filling the crowd in different colors. I looked around again more in a panic, everyone's eyes were in amazement looking up but I couldn't shake the urge to run. It's a feeling Old Grace told me to always listen to and NEVER ignore. Always trust your gut feeling and so I did.

I quickly started to make my way out of the large crowd feeling eyes on the back of my head. Someone was watching me. I knew it. Maybe it was a cop I hadn't spotted earlier.

Once I was out of there after grabbing my backpack, I walked down the street as calmly as I could but the tingle down my spine was still there. I had to keep telling myself not to turn around, not to look, just act calm and keep walking forward.

I turned sharply into an alley and booked it as fast as I could. I ran a few blocks down, weaving between buildings and small alleyways, looking back a few times in a panic. I saw nothing before I ducked behind a dumpster.

I put my hand over my mouth to silence my heavy breathing from running. My ears focused hard on everything around me. My heart thumped loudly against my chest. I counted every second to keep myself calm but it didn't work. Something just didn't feel right.

After waiting several minutes and not hearing anything at all, I sighed deeply in relief. It was just my imagination. My mind was playing tricks on me but I didn't regret following my instincts. Better safe than sorry.

I crawled out from behind the dumpster after waiting a little longer just to make sure. Peeking around I didn't see anything. "Fuck that was scary," I told myself out loud and shook my head before walking in the direction of my little tent.

I won't go meet up with Steven tonight. Not after that scare, just in case. I would never put them in danger.

As soon as I turned to start walking I came face to face with a dark shadow and jumped back in fear. Fuck my life.

The man was taller than me in a long black trench coat and hat that covered his face in the shadows. When he looked up, I was frozen in place as my eyes met his bright yellow eyes.

Fear took over my whole body as everything inside me told me to run, screaming danger, but my legs were like stone infused with the ground. An awful smell filled the air around me and it made me want to hold my breath.

"Hello Sammy," the man said in a deep seductive voice as he smiled at me in joy.

"Wh- who- who are you? How do you know m- my name?" I forced myself to ask in a shaking voice.

"Who I am is not important. I've been watching you for some time now. You're one hell of a pickpocket... Sammy." The way he said my name sent cold shivers down my spine.

"You a cop or something?"

He started to chuckle. "Or something, little human."

I watched his eyes travel down my body making me want to cover myself.

"Then- then what do you want from me?" I asked, taking a forceful step back to put more distance between us.

He smiled even bigger than before. "I could think of a few things I want from you but I need you for one thing at the moment... Sammy."

"I- I don't- umm, I don't sell myself if that's what you are thinking," I said with wide eyes.

He laughed hard at that. "Oh, you're a funny one. I don't pay for sex silly human. I take what I want but that's not what I need from you. I have a different kind of job for you," he said leaning his side against the brick wall next to him but something in his eye made me feel even more uncomfortable.

"What kind of job?"

"It's simple. You just do what you do best and steal something for me."

I've done jobs like this before. Old Grace didn't like the idea but after her passing, I picked up a few and liked them for the money I got so this wasn't something new for me to do.

"What would that be?"

"A phone. Easy enough. You take the phone, go home, do your normal routines and I will find you later to retrieve it. Once the phone is in my hand you will get 700 dollars as payment."

My eyes widened at that. 700? That's a lot of money. I wouldn't have to worry about food for the winter months with that kind of money. Maybe even get a room for a night or two on the colder nights. I could even invite Steven and Lexi. They could both use nice hot showers and a warm bed to sleep in too.

"That seems like a lot of money for one little phone though," I said cautiously. It did seem a little too good to be true.

"It's a fair price for doing me a favor. Plus I know you won't refuse it. After all, you will need the food, winter is just around the corner."

"Just a phone? That's all I need to do?" I asked, still not trusting him.

"That's all you need to do. I won't ask for anything else. I swear it on the moon," he smiled and covered his heart as he said it. For some reason that made me believe him a little.

I looked down at the ground. I did need that money. He was right about that and if I wanted to start taking more jobs like this in the future then I needed the experience. Looking back up I ignored that voice in the back of my head. "Okay then. When and where?"

He smiled big again. "Good boy. Crystal Street at noon tomorrow," he said as he turned and started walking away. "Don't be late. Find the payphone and answer the call."

I looked back at the ground trying to think where that street was. Wait! That was in uptown.

I looked back up to ask who the hell the phone was from if they were in uptown but he was long gone.

Uptown, as we homeless called it, was the richest part of the city. Where all the fancy restaurants and expensive stores were. I wouldn't even be allowed to walk in any of them looking like this.

I started to scratch at the skin against my thumbnail as I started walking back to my tent. I hardly go that far uptown but shit, I could truly use that money to help out myself, Steven, and Lexi.

I know out here it was always every man for himself but I had a soft spot for them even though Steven tried hard to do it on his own, but it's hard to live on the streets and a helping hand could always go a long way.




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Always trust your gut feeling and better to be safe than sorry. So what do you guys think about this yellow eyes guy?

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