Ch37. Sam

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I lay bruised in the small cage. The hole in my leg just closed as my eyes started to shut. I was so tired but then a shadow moved from the cage across from mine as she reached out, wrapping her little fingers around the metal-wired door.

Pulling myself up, I looked at the little girl with blurred eyes. "Hey," I said weakly and licked my dry lips with a sandpaper tongue. "Do... Do you have a name?" I asked. I've tried talking to her a few times now. I don't know how much time had passed, days, or weeks, since they moved me here but somehow it felt like time passed even slower now.

She didn't speak as she looked at me like she normally did. Maybe she didn't know how to talk yet? Or didn't know my language?

"My name is Sam. Can you say, Sam?" I smiled at her as best as I could like I always tried to do when I saw her but it didn't last long before even that became too much for me.

She blinked at me for a moment before looking down. I guess she didn't want to try but I didn't blame her. Talking took a lot from someone who's been deprived of food and water like we had been so I just leaned my head back against the cold metal wall and closed my eyes. I just couldn't fight it anymore.

I jumped awake sometime later as a man smacked my cage door. "Wakey wakey," he smiled before unlocking the door to pull me out.

I haven't seen them take anyone else as much as they took me but they did take a few. Most of them didn't come back though.

21 times, she's stabbed me so far. Was that once a day? Twice a day, maybe three? It was driving me crazy the more she stabbed me with that damn pen.

To keep some kind of hope in me, I would think of Emmett as much as I could but now the thought of him was making me grow more lonely, sad, and even angry. Was he even looking for me and if he was... what was taking so long? I could feel myself breaking and losing all hope of getting out of here. Did he not care? Would I die here after all?

She stabbed me for the 22nd time with that fucking pen. Snapping me out of my thoughts of Emmett as I looked over to see that stupid pen sticking out of my wrist and blood pouring out as she quickly pulled it out again. I felt the anger inside me flame into a rage.

"I'm gonna kill you with that fucking pen," I growled at her loudly, feeling my body warm as the rage took over my whole body. Fuck it. If I was going to die here then I won't be a scared baby anymore. I'll be the monster she claims me to be.

She stepped back with wide eyes, maybe it was the haze I was in but I could have sworn she shook a little before smiling like she just got what she wanted. "I see. So it's anger that will trigger your true form. How foolish of me," she said and laughed to herself before she gasped and her face grew serious suddenly. "Oh. I know," she said as her voice turned to excitement. "Davis, go get the little girl ready for room 6," she smiled while she began walking out.

"Don't you dare touch her!" I pulled on the restricts hard making them clash against the metal with a loud thud. "You touch her and I'll rip that hand off with my own teeth!" I growled, licking my teeth. The anger completely took over.

Doc laughed. "Oh. Samuel," she said, stepping back into the room. "It's nice to finally see this side of you again."

"I can't wait to feel your blood between my teeth as I rip that long thin neck apart," I said in a deep voice that even I didn't recognize. "I'm gonna enjoy hearing your cries and screams just like you've enjoyed hearing mine," I told her darkly.

I couldn't control the words that came from my lips but I also wasn't going to argue with what I said. I wanted to hear it. I wanted to kill them all.

A warmth took over my body as I'd never felt before. It was like being wrapped in a thick blanket in the dead of winter as my heartbeat started to quicken but it also felt like I was being shoved in my own mind while this darkness came over me. Like whatever this was, it was pushing me and my head began pounding in pain. I slammed it back on the table. It felt like it was going to explode, my eyes closed tightly.

"Get room 6 ready for tomorrow. If the girl triggers him this much. I'm curious to see how he reacts to someone he knows," I heard her say as I looked over to see her walk out with Davis behind her.

A man in green scrubs walked in immediately after, but he stood close to the door holding a long poll as he slowly pointed it at me. I looked over at it and noticed a long needle at the end with purple liquid inside. I felt the fear of it take over my mind but then I felt myself start to growl again with my eyes narrowing at him, my anger grew more and more. My mind was doing one thing but my body was doing another as he jabbed the needle at me, scared to get any closer. I flinched away. It was just barely out of reach as I looked at him and smiled while the hunger took over. This wasn't a man anymore, standing there in the doorway was a hunk of juicy meat.

My body moved on its own and fast as I ripped my arm out of the restraints and my fingers wrapped around the poll before I even knew what was going on. The man gasped in shock but I yanked the poll closer to me, pulling him with it as he stumbled forward in a few steps. Without warning, I threw the long poll forward again with all my strength digging it into his chest. His green scrubs started turning dark with blood quickly as I growled and let go.

I suddenly felt in control of myself again and stared at him in shock as he fell to the ground, blood pooling around him. My hands were shaking, my head was hurting so bad, I felt like puking.

"I- I just killed him," I said out loud with wide eyes completely frozen. I've never killed anyone before. How could I do that without even batting an eye?

"Yes. We killed him. Now move before they come in and kill us," a dark voice inside my head told me.

Snapping out of it, I started to undo my other arm then legs, and jumped off the table with a wobble, grabbing the table for support. Looking down at my arm I couldn't help but notice my wounds were healing at a faster rate than before. I shook my head, feeling as though I was dreaming or something but I didn't have time to think too hard about it. As soon as I got my feet underneath me, I turned to leave only to hear gunshots and a sting in my chest.

Looking down in fear I saw two tranquilizers in my chest and pulled them out quickly in a shaking reaction but it was too late. My eyelids grew too heavy to keep open as I felt myself fall to the ground. Davis stood in the doorway still pointing the gun at me as everything grew black around me.




Don't forget to like and follow my page to get sneak peeks into the next chapter, posted two days before the new chapter. You can also follow me on Instagram at kody.colors, where I post sneak peeks on the same days.

Shorter chapter this week but looks like Sam is starting to break. Who do you think they are putting in the room with him though?

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