Sam's POV
It didn't take long before my feet were placed on the ground gently. The wind became steady around me. We moved so fast out of the city that everything was a blur. My stomach knotted and turned as I hunched over, feeling my mouth water like it did before I threw up, but nothing happened.
A hand rubbed up and down my back at a comforting pace. I looked up into the blood-red eyes and smiled as I knew who this man was.
"Can we not do that again?" I asked as I let out a small chuckle.
"Eh," he shrugged. "It's always rough the first time, but you get used to the feeling after some time. It's like sex," Markus smiled.
My smile faded as I looked around to find us standing on a small wooden bridge, trying to ignore the warmth in my face at his comment. A calm creek flowed underneath us, and birds sang all around us in the now bear trees. "I feel so ashamed for forgetting the one good thing from that place. How could you ever forgive me?"
"You remember now," he said, leaning against the handmade rail on the bridge, a smile never leaving his face.
I shook my head and stepped closer to him, gently grabbing his arm so he would look at me. "I do know now, and I'm sorry."
He narrowed his eyes at me. "It wasn't your fault. Why be sorry for something you had no control over? Come, I have something to give you."
"What happened after Davis shot me?" I asked, feeling the pain in my chest. "Why didn't you come for me sooner? I was in that city for five years..., alone, and you come back now?" I felt the anger begin to boil as I looked up at him and pushed his shoulder so he would look back at me again.
"I jumped in after you fell and forced my blood down your throat to heal you, but I was so weak that I couldn't get us to the shore. I used what strength I had left to keep your head above the water. When we got to the city, I was able to hand you over to a man and an older woman over the flood wall, but the river retook me before the man could turn back around to help me," he looked to the ground in shame. "I was so exhausted that I gave up fighting the water. All I could do was hope that you were okay," he looked over at me and smiled. "By the time I returned to that city after regaining my strength, I found you were living with that old woman, and your memory was gone. I thought that was best for you. To forget all the abuse and torment we went through. I wanted a better life for you."
"That wasn't up to you," I told him, feeling the anger start to take over. "You left me!"
"Yes. I did. Yet here we are now, and you remembered all by yourself."
"Why did you come back?"
"What makes you think I left for long? I found what remained of my clan, and we came here so I could keep an eye on you just in case your memory came back," He raised his hands and turned around as I looked around once again.
"Now, come with me. I have something that belongs to you," he said as he started walking away.
"Fine, but you need to take me back to Emmett soon after. I'm sure he is freaking out back in the city trying to find me."
"I'll get you back to your mate soon, little pup since the danger is gone now. The clan house is this way."
I quickly walked over to his side. "Wait. I know we spent a lot of time together, but you're still the only vampire I know. Is there more at the clan house? Will I be safe there?" I asked, feeling knots start to form inside my stomach again at the thought of walking inside a house filled with vampires.
Even though I remembered Markus and had known him for most of my life, I didn't know much about vampires or his clan. Could I still trust him?
"I am now the head of my clan. What I say goes, and if not... well, they know the price of that. You will be safer there than in that city. I swore long ago that you would always be safe with me. So you will be."
We walked silently from there as we made our way down the trail. A wooden house sat on top of the hall. The wood looked relatively new with smoke coming from the chimney. The sun was nearly hidden from the tree branches overhead, making me think how dark it would look in the summer when all the leaves were fully grown. It wasn't what I pictured a vampire clan house to look like.
As we walked closer to the door, I could hear a woman's laughter leaking outside. It made me halt at how happy and inviting they sounded. Under any other situation, the laugh would have been contagious.
Markus looked back at me and smiled before opening the door and walking inside as more laughter from others began to flow outside.
I closed my eyes, searching for Samuel, but he didn't even steer. If he didn't feel danger, then maybe this was okay. Taking a deep breath, I walked inside to find what all the laughter was about. In the wide space sat two long couches and a dim-lit fireplace. Sitting on the couches and the floor in a circle were around ten other people, who I assumed was Markus's clan members, but in the middle was a small white puppy running in circles, trying to catch its tail.
"Markus," one woman said through her laughter. "She nearly caught it that time. Poor little thing stumbled into a roll. She's determined. I'll give her that," she chuckled as she spoke before turning around to face us.
Her eyes fell on mine within seconds as she slowly began to raise, and soon the others began to do the same thing. My body tensed as I shifted my weight between each leg. Peeking over, I made sure Markus was still by my side as they all stood in silence.
"I would like you all to meet Samuel," Markus said as he stepped behind me a little.
I looked over at him as my stomach dropped from his movement, but I was pulled into a tight hold that nearly made my soul jump from my body.
"Samuel! It's really you," the woman who first landed eyes on me said. It took me longer than I cared to admit to realize she was hugging me. "It's so nice to meet you finally. Markus has told us all about you. You can call me Ray."
She pulled away, and we both looked at each other. Standing so close, she was slightly shorter than me with dark red eyes like Markus's but with deep brown hair. Looking around the room, I noticed that they all had the same colored eyes.
"It's um, actually, Sam. Samuel is my wolf's name," I told her.
"Are you hungry, Sam? Thanks to Lily being here, we actually have some food shifters can eat."
"I- I'm not hungry," I told her, looking back at Markus.
"Right. Sam is here to meet his daughter," Markus said as he started walking away.
But I stood there in silence as I watched him walk over to the puppy hiding under the table.
"My- my wh- what?" I asked as Samuel jumped awake in surprise. "Do you say... daughter?"

Just My Luck (boyxboy)
Hombres LoboIt was supposed to be an easy job. Get the phone and run like hell. Make a few hundred bucks for food, a nice hot shower, and a warm bed to sleep in for a night or two if I'm feeling greedy. I was fast on my feet, could blend with any crowd, and kne...