Ch35. Third Person(+18)

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Mature for heavy blood and gore

Third person chapter

"My beautiful and yet stupidest child. You think I would help these wolves?" Asher laughed as Felix grabbed ahold of the dragger tightly, trying to keep it from pushing in deeper. He looked into the man's twisted face in pure shock. Never would he have imagined his own father would be standing on another end of a knife that pierced him.

Felix tried to speak, tried to stop him but the words only caught in his throat. The only sound from him was a whimpering cry that made Mason's blood boil, his eyes seeing red, as he tried harder to get off the ground and run to his mate's side.

"I would rather die by the Hunters than help those wild dogs. Do you really think I didn't know what you've been up to these past 4 years? Breeding with the enemy. Disgusting," he hissed and pushed forward, slicing into his son's hands with the sharp blade. "I wanted to test you, to see what you would do once you found out the truth. That's why when Kiki came to me and told me you were finally sniffing around, I let her tell you and now here we are," he pushed forward harder, driving the blade in further as Felix cried out. "I'm so disappointed, so hurt. I thought I could trust you."

Felix's hands felt like he was holding an icicle from the blade as it dug into his skin more, his body began to shake and turn cold where the blade touched him inside and out as he looked down. His heart practically stopped when he recognized the blue handle of the dagger. The dagger he knew his father kept coated in a special blend of herds and poisons to bleed his enemies slowly.

"I'm sorry Felix! I didn't know! I swear I didn't know," his sister, Kiki cried as she clawed at Jasper's arms so she could rush to her beloved little brother. "Stop! Please, father!" She begged. "Let me go!"

Down the hill, Emmett could only watch in shock. "Asher, stop this!" He yelled at the black fox but he didn't even bat an eye toward the wolf alpha.

"You were always so obsessed with looking the prettiest you know that? Even when you didn't try, all the females adored you, even the males looked twice at your beauty," he snickered a little as his hand caressed Felix's cheek gently to feel it cold. The look of disgust and disappointment filled his face quickly, his voice turned darker with every word. "You could have had anyone you wanted, if only you had rejected that mutt from the beginning. My beautiful little Felix. Now I have to make sure everyone sees nothing but an ugly traitor when they see that once pretty face."

"Father please!" Kiki yelled in her final attempts to stop her father. "I'm sorry Felix. Please forgive me! I'm so sorry!"

"Get off me!" Mason growled, fighting his friends in a fit of rage as he began to shift. "Don't fucken touch him!" He threatened Asher as fur started to grow over his skin. "I'll fucken kill you! I'll kill all of you!"

Emmett jumped on Mason's back quickly and grabbed the back of his neck and squeezed to try to stop him. They all knew if he crossed that line it would start a war they weren't prepared for and with everyone ready at the line, they knew their friend wouldn't get close enough to reach his mate before they killed him.

Asher took one last loving look at Felix with his hand softly against his cheek. Felix's eyes were closed, and his breathing was heavy as the tears stained his soft cheeks. He let out a whimper, nuzzling his cheek into the hand of his father for what he knew would be the last time.

"I loved you the most Felix," he whispered but as soon as Felix opened his eyes to plead for mercy, Asher's long, sharp claws cut over Felix's face across his right eye, making him cry out in pain. He released the blade before Asher grabbed his throat tightly, making sure it wasn't healing.

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