Ch52. Emmett

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Emmett's POV

"What is wrong with you?" My father yelled behind me as I walked into my office. "Are you trying to rip apart what we had done for this pack? Do you know what it took to get that land? You should have talked to me before making such a foolish decision like that!"

"I don't care what you have to say about it, Father. This is my pack, and I'm doing what is best for all of us. If you don't like how I'm leading it then please leave. The door is that way," I pointed to the door as I sat down at my desk.

"You little shit!" he growled, slamming his fit on the deck. "You will ruin this pack by your foolishness. You're just a broken, cowardly pup who cheated your way to the top. Do you think you can do this without my help? Look at all you've done without my guidance already. 26 of our members are dead, including Dusty. Hunters invaded and attacked this city not once but twice. Another pack walks freely in our packhouse, and now you've invited witches into our forest!"

I stood again, leaning over the deck, and looked straight into his eyes. The desk was the only thing that separated us. "What's wrong, Father? Are you upset that you have no more control over me? Did you think you could run this pack for the rest of your life? If that was the case, you never should have tried to hand it over to Drake. Oh, that reminds me. I found him, by the way. The son you always wanted, the puppet you thought he would become for you once he became Alpha of this pack. Did you know he worked for the Wolf Spiders after I banished him? He was the one who killed Dusty before I snapped his neck with my own hands."

I could see the hurt and anger in his eyes as I told him I was the one who killed the one he thought more like a son than his actual blood son was.

"Ha, you were right, though," I sat back down again and turned on the computer. "I was acting like a pup, blaming you for the mistake of listening to you. That was truly my fault. Honestly, I thought you would guide me for once like an Elder of a pack was supposed to do. I listened to your words hoping for once you would see me as a son, but after Sam ran away, I saw the truth so clearly on the staircase that I could no longer turn a blind eye. You took that moment of weakness to shame me in front of the pack, to try and put doubt in their heads that I was capable of running this pack. You knew I couldn't think straight after feeling rejected by my mate and took full advantage of that. Next time you try to do that, you will be leaving this packhouse. Now get out of my sight while I'm still letting you do so freely."

"Tsk," he hisses as he spun away from me. His fists were so tight that I could smell a hint of his blood as he walked out.

As soon as the door slammed shut behind him, I leaned back in the chair.

I should have felt like I had won that fight, but somehow, it felt like I lost it. How could I feel a loss for something I never had? That man never looked to me as a son, so why did I even have hope that he would now? Childish dreams. Time to grow up, stop giving him another thought and focus on what needed to be done for this pack and my mate.

Tomorrow, I will meet with Geo to walk him through the gardens and take him to the death sights of where all the murders of his coven happened 50 years ago, so I needed to get a fresh look at where they were all located. I didn't want to miss any of them by mistake. My day was filled to the brim, but all I truly wanted to do was lay by Sam's side, surrounded by his scent, even now.

I had to keep reminding myself that I was helping him more with everything I was doing here.

"Well, he is still a dick, I see," Baxter said as he walked into my office.

"Did you really think he wouldn't be?"

"That is true. Still the same as always, but I'm glad I don't have to deal with him anymore. Sucks for you, though," he smiled as he plopped himself lazily over the chair in front of my desk.

"Thanks for that. So why are you of all wolves here, and why didn't I get a call that you would be coming?" I asked him as I looked back at my computer.

"Vincent is dealing with a few things downstairs, so I came to update instead, and your daddy was making a fuss with the girls at the desk, so I just invited myself in," he smiled.

"What a surprise of you to do," I mumbled as my eyes rolled without controlling them. "What is going on?"

"Nothing, really. The shifters are healing faster, with more color in their human forms. It's going to take a while for their animal form to look better, though. We let them eat and try to keep them at bay, but they turn at random and lose control so fast. It seems that it's helping between shifts but other than that..., nothing else has changed."

I sighed in disappointment. "I was hoping that would help gain more control," I mumbled, talking more to myself as I stretched my head. "I don't know what else we can do."

"We should give it time. The witches are a great idea, Emmett, and if anything, I'm sure Geo could come up with a better way to knock them out than using the drugs."

"I don't like the drugs either, but it's the only thing that's working that doesn't put anyone at risk of death. We can talk to Geo about it tomorrow when he goes down there to see them."

"Sounds good to me. The man is easy to talk with. So how is Sam doing, by the way?"

"Sam is in the same condition, unfortunately. Due to the shift and the possibility that his memory returning, they're not sure when he will wake up. A slow shift like that, the first one in at least five years that I know for sure of, did a lot on his body. I'm planning to go over there in a little while once I find some of these files. The rest can be done over there."

"I'll help you look if you don't mind. I need to go over there after this to see my little human. Hopefully, get him away from a fox for a little while as well," Baxter laughed a little, but I knew he wasn't joking. "I never thought I would be so jealous of a fox."

I didn't see the point in sending him away, so we looked and marked the locations down on my phone's map before heading to the hospital together.

I said hello to Felix, who was still in his fox form, and Steven, who wouldn't leave the poor fox's room before I headed off to Sam's room. His hand was cold as I sat next to the bed, so I held it gently while I waited for the laptop to start up.

I wasn't sure when, but at some point, between answering emails and making a few notes on a new suit design that my company was making, I ended up falling asleep.

"Emmett," I woke to a voice, but my body didn't want to move just yet. "Emmett."

"Hmm, yeah?" I answered, confused still from sleep as I looked at the door. The sound of a fast heartbeat filled my ears as I rubbed my dry, burning from lack of sleep eyes.

"Emmett," the voice whispered next to me as I froze for a moment.

I could hear my own heart start to race as I looked over to see gorgeous brown eyes staring back at me with confusion and worry.

"Sam," I said aloud, calling to him as my wolf whined. My body moved on its own, knocking the laptop off the bed onto the hard ground, but I didn't care as it smashed against the hard ground. My Sam, my moon, needed me, and I would be there as I crawled on the bed to him.




Don't forget to like this chapter. Thank you for reading.

Damn right! You tell him off, Emmett. That was a big moment for him. Sometimes in life, we get to that age where we have to let people go, whether our family members or close friends. It's hard as hell to do, I know because I've done it with both my family and old friends. You think you can hold on forever but their toxic ways only held you down, or it's just simply their time to shine in their own life without you there anymore. You can't force them to stay no matter how hard you try to hold on... I still struggle every day with this but I hope Emmett can overcome it better than I am.

YAY! Sam's awake!!

Don't forget to read the important announcement after this chapter!

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