Ch76. Sam

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Sam's POV

It's been three weeks of a living nightmare. Felix was a great teacher, but my body was ready to crumple to the floor. Every morning we started with stretching, then a run around the pack house grounds, workout, defiance with offense training, and even some kind of mind training with a witch named James, where I needed to try to connect with Samual.

We were starting to talk more to each other in my human form, but in the afternoons, Emmett would help me shift and watch over me. I still couldn't stay in control. Samuel would shut me out as soon as he took over, whether he wanted to or not. Felix joined us yesterday for the first time in his fox form, and they said it went pretty smoothly. Before, he would stay in human form and let Samual sniff him to get used to his scent and to understand he was a friend. Of course, he knew Felix was a friend, but after taking over, he turned into an animal with no human intelligence.

Most days, Lily would be with us on runs and walks. It was good for our wolves to connect since she had my blood. I was a little worried, but Emmett said it helped Samual stay focused instead of just wanting to hunt the whole time. He seems more tamed with her wolf beside him. Teaching her, walking at her pace, and even play-fighting with her. I wish I could remember all that.

I was panting after Felix pinned me to the ground for the hundredth time. My body was jello, and I didn't think I could get up again.

"Come on, Sam, block and punch. You know my weakness already. I can't see from the right. Go for it," Felix said as he got to his feet. "You think the enemy would fight fair with you? Find their weakness and use it against them. It's kill or be killed in war."

I groaned, closing my eyes and taking a few breaths. Felix reminds me every time he beats me. But how could I do something like that when I was the reason he was blind on his right side?

"You're stronger than I am, Sam. I feel it in every block you make, but you can't keep falling back to defense. You'll only back yourself into a corner and get yourself killed."

"He's right, Sam," I heard Markus say and jumped to my feet. He and Zack were locked in their room together the first week we got here then he went back to his clan right after, so I hadn't been able to talk with him since everything happened.

"I'll go see what Mason is doing," Felix said behind me, leaving before I could stop him.

"I see the pretty fox is still pissed at me," Markus smirked as he watched Felix walk into the pack house.

"Can't blame him. You did threaten to rip his throat out," I told him as I started to unwrap my hands.

"That's true, but I thought they were kidnapping you and my favorite little flower at the time. He can't blame me forever for making a bold move when he would have done the same for the people he cares about. How is Lily doing?"

"I thought you'd ask about Zack first," I said, raising my eyebrow at him.

"Why would I do that?"

"Well, with all the moaning coming from his room for a whole week, I figured you cared about him." I gave Markus the same kind of smirk he liked giving me when he was being a smart-ass.

His smile brightened a little more as he chuckled. "Fine. How is Zack?"

"Moping around the house looking lost since you left. He started training with Alpha Vincent's trackers last week, though. They are out on some hunting drills. I overheard a few of them comment how shocked they were by his nose and straight. He may be one of the smallest wolves out there, but Emmett chose him for a reason."

I peeked over to see his cheeks grow a little red as he looked at the ground, smiling, but once Markus saw me looking, he cleared his throat. "Great. Now, how is Lily?"

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