Ch 30. Sam (+18)

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Mature for torture


I woke to the door opening yet again. My eyes burned from the lack of sleep, my body numb to the cold of the floor since they never give me new clothes or even a blanket but at this point, it didn't even matter, I constantly shook. My body was constantly in pain, covered in old slowly healing welts, cuts, and bruises. I could feel myself healing slower with every new wound they left on me and the weaker I've become but I think that's what they wanted.

They've come to take me 6 more times already into the same small room and did the same things over again and again. Dragging me to the same room and tying me to the same table, the blonde woman they called Doc walked around me to examine my wounds from the previous beating to see how slowly they were healing.

Every beating the man, Davis, gave me was with different items, from whips to icon robs to chains but when he really wanted to have fun he would use his own fists. Not to mention that bitch stabbing me with that damn pen in different areas of my body like I was a pin-cushion.

It was getting annoying. Like a bee stinging me over and over again. 7 times in total, I've counted and remembered where each one was, gritting my teeth every time she would hit the bone.

They cut my hair too. Cutting it short without care but Doc wanted it that way. She said she couldn't stand looking at my long hair anymore. It felt weird at first but I got used to it quickly.

I couldn't tell how long I'd been here already. They didn't let me sleep long, no windows to tell if it was day or night, no clocks on any of the walls or rooms I passed in the halls. She didn't say the dates when recording or what number of days she was on when starting her verbal reports. I could have been here for days or weeks for all I knew.

But at this point, I was too tired to care anymore. Too hungry and thirsty to want to figure it out on my own either. I could hardly walk on my own anymore from the pain I felt and sitting up took too much effort so while I was locked in my caged room all I did was lay and stare at the only thing in there, the toilet with no water.

"This is taking too long, so we will have to step it up a notch," she said, leaning closer to my ear. "Come on Samuel, give in and show me the true monster you really are," she told me in almost a low whisper before shoving the pen in my upper arm, hitting the bone once again.

I looked over at her in anger. No energy for words but I could feel the anger rise within me. The thought of ripping her hand off while still holding that damn pen was satisfying and the thought of ripping into her long thin throat and tasting her warm blood in my mouth made my stomach cramp with hunger. I could have sworn I growled in the back of my throat as my top lip raised and nose wrinkled.

She just smiled and stood up straight again with a soft laugh. "Starved, dehydrated, and lacking sleep. Just by these wounds healing so slowly I can tell you're growing incredibly weak Samuel. I guess we'll just have to see if this will jolt your lost memories a little faster," she said.

Pushing her thin glasses up her face again, her smile turned wicked as the door opened. I shook in fear of what 'a step up' from being beaten so badly could be but couldn't stop myself from looking over at the large battery that was hooked up to a steel box with wires that hung loosely out the bottom.

Davis held a long rod in one hand and smiled as my eyes met his. For fun, he pointed it up and hit a button on the handle so I could see the bright ball of electricity snap together making a loud shocking noise. I jumped, not expecting it before looking at Doc again.

Her arms were crossed, watching Davis closely as he started moving closer to me.

"Please... don't...," I begged in tears, making her eyes snap to mine. "Please stop this. I'll do any- AHHH," I screamed as he jammed the rob into my rib cage. My whole body tensed as I felt the electricity run through my entire body. The shock jolted through every muscle, and every nerve.

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