Ch83. Felix

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Felix's POV

I saw Baxter take off for home, making me look around. They needed help back there, and I knew a discussing attack like that would be enjoyable for my father. Revere was here, so there was no reason for my father to be.

I looked back at Mason. He was busy barking at a wolf underneath him, yelling for him to stay down and play dead so loud that it was leaking into our link. I could only assume he was a part of those forced to fight in the battle. Mason needed to be here by his alpha's side and saving those like the wolf under him.

"I have to go help those at the packhouse," I told him, causing him to snap his head towards me. "I love you, but they need help, and you are needed here."

He was silent at first, looking around as his ear sank. "I love you too. I'll come running for you if you don't link with me for too long."

I nodded once and took off, following Baxter's scent as fast as I could to catch up with him. We were over halfway back when I finally caught up with him, but by the time I did, he was panting hard in human form and grabbing his chest.

"Baxter!" I called as I shifted and grabbed his shoulders. "What's wrong? What happened?"

"He won't answer me anymore. Our bond is wavering," he whined and grabbed at the skin over his heart. "I'm not going to make it. I can't..., I can't move. It hurts so much."

My eye widened. Steven! He was dying hurt. That's what this pain in Baxter was. "I'll go on ahead and help him. Catch up when you can!" I shifted and ran like hellhounds were behind me.

Once the house was in sight, I told Mason I was there, but three foxes tackled me to the ground before I could get inside to find Steven. They came from my blind side. When I looked over to see who they were, they hissed at me but also backed away at the same time.

I knew them. Hell, I trained the three of them myself for my border, fucked one of them before finding Mason, and saved another from sinking mud in the swamps. I showed my teeth. That was all in the past, and they left me to bleed to death in the grass the day my father took my eye. I was about to jump, but then another fox jumped in my way, one that made my heart stop.

Black fur covered the front half of her fox, and the rest was solid red down to the tip of her tail. Kiki. My eldest sister. My closest sibling growing up. Seeing her here, I knew I would fail everyone in that house. I would fail Sam and Mason, let Steven and Baxter die, and my father would live to see tomorrow because I wouldn't fight her. I couldn't. I would let her kill me here and die with a broken heart.

I couldn't stop my ears from falling with a whimper. Kiki stepped towards me, and I bowed to offer the back of my neck. When her two black paws came into sight, my mind began thinking of what my last words to Mason would be.

I waited for the pain of her bite, but when her paws turned away from me, I snapped my head up. She looked at the three others and walked away, never looking back as the three hesitantly followed her with ears down and tails between their legs, whimpering like pups.

I couldn't help but stare as they left the porch, using the side stairs, before I looked back at the smashed door. Shaking the thoughts of awe from my mind, I jumped through and turned the corner just in time to see Sam naked and lying on the ground coughing.

"You little shit!" My father yelled, holding his arm as blood poured down. "Fuck Revere's stupid plans. I'm not waiting that long to kill you!" He stepped toward Sam, and I lunged for him.

It all happened so fast. My father looked over to see me in the air and shifted into his large black fox. We rolled into wall after wall in the hallway. Pictures ripped off the hangers. My father tackled me into a side table, sending a sizable vase cracking to the ground.

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