Side Ch: S&B 4- Steven/Baxter

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Steven's POV

I watched from the waiting room as the vans started pulling up. Biting the tip of my thumb, they began bringing in men, women, and even children who couldn't stand on their own. My emotions took over me at the thought of Baxter and Sam being in the same condition but nothing could have prepared me to see the white sheets covering some of the stretchers.

I stepped aside, frightened to look as they passed by but somehow I knew it wasn't the ones I was looking for. Looking up, shaking, my heart pounded so hard against my chest it hurt but I searched every face, becoming more nervous and scared with each one that passed by.

What if Baxter wasn't here? What if they didn't find him or Sam in that place? I started to panic within myself.

The sight of white hair caught my attention as I saw Vincent step out of one of the vans. Something was off as I looked into his sad eyes as they pulled a body out of the back of the same van. It was covered quickly before I could see who it was. My heart dropped as the sheet they covered over the body turned red.

"You did everything you could, Alpha," the female standing next to Vincent said and walked away in tears to follow the body.

I stepped back and covered my mouth. No, that couldn't be, I kept telling myself. It couldn't be Baxter.

Vincent turned to face me for the first time, he shook his head as he tried to say something, but I couldn't hear a single word. It felt as though the world stopped for a moment before my attention was caught by a large figure stepping out from the back of the van. The tears started to flow down my cheeks. For the first time in, what felt like months, my eyes lay on the one person I craved the most.

Baxter stood there holding his stomach with one hand and the van's door with the other to help keep his balance. The clothes he wore were a size too big, but I didn't think much of it. My feet moved before I could process anything. I ran to my mate, my love, my alpha wolf. I ran so fast past Vincent and the others that I couldn't recall a single detail of them. I ran so hard that I couldn't stop myself as I hit Baxter's chest like a brick wall, but I didn't care how badly it hurt.

All the pain melted away as I heard Baxter's heartbeat in my ear once again. A sound I feared I would never hear again.

Baxter's arms wrapped around me so tightly that it was hard to breathe between my sobbing of joy, and we both fell to our knees.

"I- I thought-, I d- didn't-," I whimpered as I pulled away to touch his cheeks, the wild and undergroomed beard wrapped around my fingers, but I needed to look into his beautiful auburn eyes to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

Baxter laid his hand over mine with a smile that covered most of his face. Holding it tightly against his cheek, he nuzzled it softly. "I love you, baby boy," was all he could say before I wrapped my arms around him tightly once again as the tears streamed down my face.


"The wounds are healing faster now, but... with all the drugs and unknown fluids they had running in you, I want to keep you here a few days just to make sure everything leaves your system safely so you don't have any withdraws," the doctor said as he made a few notes.

I curled up closer to Baxter as we lay in the small bed together. I was happy to hear he was healing but the sound of his stomach told everyone else in the room something else was bothering him.

"Thanks, doc. Can we get him something to eat now?" Vincent asked quickly. We could all see Baxter had lost some weight in just that short amount of time he was gone.

"I want him on a light diet. Too much food at once could do more harm than help. I have to go see the others now. I hope you understand, Alpha," he told us with a slight bow of his head.

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