Turn your back on me and I'll turn mine

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"Aren't you going to apologize?" Sapnap said crossing his arms. "what for?" Dream said nonchalantly "For destroying what we built! dream you destroyed the community house, something we worked on!" He wanted to say more but suppressed it, having done it with many of his out burst in front of dream before.

"look sapnap, it had to be done" the masked man said "Had to be done?! dream you decimated our fucking first building. fuckin history for a child!" Sapnap could already feel the itch of his  hands for the flint and steel in his pocket, "It. Had. To. Be. Done." Sapnap only glared and turned his back "Sam I want out" he shouted waiting for the lava to open up, he was the platform going to him and before stepping into it "I hope you rot in this jail cell" he hissed through his teeth.

He stomped his way into the forest stopping at the familiar clearing he and dream found to relax, it was their own special place. the grass and leaves were all vibrant, due to spring spreading its effects. It reminded him of Dreams green hoodie, it had to burn.

He fumbled with his flint and steel and set fire to the lush green grass turning it to ash. He turned to the trees and set those in fire too. As the fire spread the smell burning wood wafted around and smoke filled his lungs as he inhaled the air. It gave him the feeling of comfort as fire was always there for him.

He walked to the middle where a big tree resided, the tree they promised each other they'll have each others back. But now Dream turned his back and he will too. He set fire to the tree, and he watched as his surrounding burned to the dirt. He laughed at the skies and shouted curses to the man he trusted. The fire spread to through out but stopped after rain poured early in the morning. He went back home feeling refreshed and soaked.

If Dream destroyed the thing they had built together over the years, he'll destroy the place that made it special.

Dresmp oneshots centered around Tommy (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now