The gods favour you

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(This is set in the exile arc near its end)

The tower was now above the clouds, overlooking the vast ocean and the crater down below it. Tommy couldn't really breathe there, but when could he?

Wars and adult responsibilities were shoved down his throat, filling his lungs to the point he couldn't even get a breath of fresh air. Having gunpowder and ash clog his nose, permanently choking him with the smell of a battlefield.

He sat watching the stars appear, and sighed and stood up the wind blew on his skin and waved the coat of his dead brother. He looked down hoping there would be someone there to shout maybe even catch him, but there was no one.

Tommy was alone.

He struggled with the concept of loneliness, it was something he couldn't wrap his head around. Well, he could but he denied all understanding of it. But now he has to embrace it, to accept it because he was gonna die anyway.

"Well, it's time to jump off the Cadillac" that was his last remark, as he let his eyes close and body fall backward.

The blond could feel the rush of air under him as gravity pulled him down, but he didn't feel pain when he heard the ground. Instead, he fell on his ass like he would if he fell off his chair. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" he opened his eyes to a blinding white ceiling, it looked like it was glowing. He mumbled to himself "Is this heaven?" as he looked around.

"Tommy! hey man" A familiar voice hollered at him, he turned his head to the sound "Karl?". There stood the man with a crazy-colored jacket "Wait if I'm dead and in heaven..." Tommy stared at the man looking confused in front of him "KARL DID YOU DIE TOO?" he shouted. 

"What? No." The brunette helped him up and he saw the most beautiful building in existence. "Woah..then where are we?" he looked around more, seeing the pristine and clear white walls of the gorgeous structure. 

"This is the Inbetween, the silver lining between life and death and is the base of time" Karl explained. "Okay, then what am I doing here, what are YOU doing here?"  

The older gestured him to come close, and pointed to the massive halls of this building "do you see those?" he asked Tommy looked and saw colorless versions of Karls "those are past karls, from different timelines." Tommy nodded "Okay, so that doesn't explain anythin".

"Even though they are from different timelines, they all had the same ending that that they came here to fix." His tone had shifted heavily, it alarmed tommy "What is it?" he asked it with caution

"Catastrophe." Karl's face had turned stoic, no emotion as he watched multiples of him pass each other. "The first of me to time travel found out after a major calamity."

"His time was destroyed, everything on the verge of dying or dead." Tommy was scared now, palms sweaty but he couldn't move.

"All because of one thing." Karl turned to him. "You died." before tom could interject karl continued "And the gods were not happy."

Karl placed a firm grip of Tommy's shoulders, "I've already seen the outcome when you die tommy, and it was horrific. People died until I could finally find the book." Karl's eyes bore into him, it was worse than techno's deadly gaze.

"What do you mean the gods weren't happy?" He forced composure, he tried to stand tall.

"The gods favour you tommy, they like you. And if you die. Our world would also come down with you."

Dresmp oneshots centered around Tommy (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now