The quiet chirps of a passerine bird

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The gentle sway of yellow petals


Tommy awoke, not in the stone mattress he fell asleep in. 

But under a blue sky and a shade of a tree. Green and yellow framed his eyes, as he looked onto the heavens. 

Where was he?

Where was his dirt hut?

Did someone tear it down as another prank?

He had made no movement other than inhaling and exhaling, feeling gravity's pull on him and its latching grip. 

So he stayed. 

Taking in the sounds of nature, and watching as the cotton clouds breezed by. He felt content like he was meant to be there, maybe he was. 

The steady rhythm of the earth's heart was disturbed by someone weaving through the fields, footsteps making faint vibrations on the ground. 

The boy sat up, turning and meeting a pair of chocolate eyes. They took in the appearance of each other, both left surprised with the other. 

The moment had been broken by another person calling out a name that Tommy knows. 


None of them moved, and the figure stopped right beside his brother.

No, that wasn't his brother. That's someone that looks like his brother. 

His family look-alikes looked worn, not worn with war and fighting but with time and its marching. 

Tommy slowly stood up, and they moved their heads up as if he would disappear they lost eye contact. He doesn't care if this wasn't his real family, he'll take what he can get from the universe so ran down the small hill and meet them with a hug. 

"You're not my Tommy." Wilbur said wrapping his arms around him, The boy replied "And your not my Wilbur."

He put out an arm looking at the other figure beside them "or my techno," the bigger man accepted the invitation and hugged both of them almost covering them with his size.

The teen couldn't help but cry, the heavy cloud of loneliness fading his shoulders finally lighter. They pull away, but each of them had a hand on each other.  

"So what happened to this universe's Tommy?" he asked as he continued his cloud watching. With the display of the green god's powers of other world dimensions, the prospect of a multiverse wasn't impossible. 

"There was a war that broke out between ours and another kingdom, and he..." the musician's words got stuck in his throat, forming a heavy lump that he couldn't swallow. "He got caught up in a fight that I had it- it didn't end well" Techno helpfully finished for him. 

Wilbur ghosted over light scars over the blond's face, tracing the dark circles that hung from his eyes. While Technoblade ran his hand through his hair, it was unkempt and full of tangles. Nearing the front of his hair, calloused hands thumbed the white streak. 

"Death is permanent here then?" Tommy spoke feeling the part of his hair be lifted and pulled on slightly, "What do you mean?" Techno asked as he examined the unnatural lock. "In my world, we have a rule, 3 lives until you stay dead." 

"How many lives are you on then" Wilbur questio- no demanded.

"....We have another thing after you've died. Revival" 

The two men felt their lungs give out for a second.

Techno combed through his hair a bit softer, but Wilbur's hand gripped his fingers harder. Suddenly his chocolate eyes were hyper-aware of the faint bruises on his face and arms, he pressed lightly on marks. 

Dresmp oneshots centered around Tommy (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now