My god who heard my prayers

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Tommy's family was not religious. well what can you expect from his dad, who spent his time satisfying  his wanderlust. Or his older brother who stained his hands with blood. Or his final brother knew nothing of religion.

Because of that he believed of something higher, I mean why believe in the people who isn't around.

He created his own god, someone
who guided him through his path. Soon an actual god had heard his prayers, and the god saw the fire in his soul. They whispered in his ears, when he asked for help. And the boy followed diligently, and the god would shower him in praises he loved.

Tommy grew up with his god whispering orders into his ears, he spent days worshipping the kind being who helped him in his life. He lit candles and gave offerings, even when his family was around.

Eventually his father had asked "Tommy who do you pray to?" in the middle of dinner when all of them had no conversation, "I pray for my provider" he said simply.

There was no way to explain the higher being who was there everywhere.

Soon they requested a item made for them, something he could hold onto and pray the them. He had went into work immediately, grabbing gold, iron, and emerald in his father's bedroom when he was not around.

He took the small chisel Techno uses when he sculpted his crown, and hid it when he looked for it. Tommy spent his night shaping, sanding, and piecing the precious materials into a long necklace. when he was done, Tommy was quite happy with the results and the god was appeased.

He wore the necklace when he first stepped into his new server, where his brother and father owned and maintained a kingdom. Where he also created his own, The blond had asked in a prayer if he should spread their words. But the god denied with the words "I picked you because you are a special mortal, you can never be matched my little one".

So he carried on his adoration for the mythical being alone. People around him has been confused when he skipped his duties to pray in his room, or how he held a used necklace around his hand and whispered small thank you's to the sculpted hands holding a ball of something.

All their questions were unanswered when he left for another server. 


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