Fiery wings

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(mentions of a human being that is aliven't there's gore but not a lot .)

Born out of the sun with massive wings that could destroy lands, made out of feathers that have been blessed with fire. He hid these wings from prying eyes and greedy men who wish for immortal life.

Having lived for decades he has seen many people pass on as he walked the mortal plane. Kings and Queens were replaced by their heirs, towns getting destroyed by a god's angry wrath, forests changing from alive to dead.

Until he stumbles upon 2 so-called gods, he knew it wasn't real their eyes didn't look as tired as his, their bones weren't as worn as his, and they haven't witnessed the rise and falls of civilization like him. But he stayed in one of the men's warm touch, and caring hands made him stay. But his wings stayed in the darkness of his back.

A phoenix didn't die until they wanted to, it was a rule that had been set in place by the God who gave life to a being like him. But the process of dying still hurts, his heart stopping only for it to start again an hour later his organs reforming and his skin rebuilding itself.

He died for many things when he followed one of his siblings. His country, His friends and family, and most importantly his home. He had also died at the hands of all of them. As the end of the battle neared he was shot with the same thing that killed his best friend in the festival, the killer standing victorious but thinking 'is this what I want?'. His mangled body slumped to the ground, half of it burnt to a crisp or just gone.

They knew he was beyond saving and that was his last life.

His father mourned, his brothers were conflicted and confused, his friends wept, and the man behind it all laughed from the secured prison.

What remains of him was placed in a coffin with his compass, discs, and then his brother's coat. They had closed the casket not wanting to see the mutilation of the young teen. The closest to him said their final words and goodbyes, while the two who weren't welcomed stayed on the sidelines invisible to the attendants. They carried the coffin to its burial site. Where the body of Wilbur had been buried, with the l'manberg flag he was lowered into the ground.

As they toss the flowers inside they hear a thud. Eret and Fundy who had been lowering him looked confused as they weren't even halfway, the thudding continued until there was banging against the coffin door. "HELLO?!" the same voice of the child was muffled, Everyone was horrified was it the ghost of Tommy?

The two start pulling up until the coffin was again on the grass, they opened the coffin to a very much alive Tommy. Hair disheveled and stuck to his forehead, Eyes have the same spark as they did and not gray like previously before, and half of the body back in one piece.

They rushed to ask questions but finally, someone asked what they all had in their heads "How are you alive?". Tommy only widened his eyes, he forcefully parted the crowd quickly. They tried to hold him down to get the answers, but his wings unfolded from his back and with one beat he was off.

He immediately went to his house packing his belongings, and he put the book of his secrets in his bed so they had at least an explanation on why he was leaving for good. People were halfway to his house and they saw his figure exiting the door, they shouted and startled the boy. His head swiveled in their direction and catching tubbo's desperate eyes, but he let his wings spread letting it stretch to its maximum length giving the last wave he flew. Tubbo's anguished cried followed him to the skies.

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