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Edit I liked how I descriptive I was this story, so I drew what I wrote.

Go to my twt because wattpad won't let me put it the photo :^(


Dreams fist connected to his face. Hard. The sickening crack of his nose ca be heard echoing in the cell.

It made his eyes tear up, he could feel the blood rushing past his lips. He was pushed into the obsidian wall, he groaned on the pain of his nose. he tried to wipe off the blood, but his head was bashed into the wall suddenly.

He screamed as his skull was beatn with a wall.

Tears mixed with the blood as he laid on the floor, having been dropped after multiple head bashes. Tommy hrd heavy breathing, and muffled words "I'm not done".

He could feel a shoe on his chest, he weakly tried to take it off


He cried out as he was stomped on.

His struggles to breath with his broken ribs. Every whimper and sniffle pierced his lungs.

he was dragged to the cauldron, but he tried fighting kicking his legsand scratching the wrist of his abuser.

Begging for release. He shouted for sam. For anyone to save him.

He was shoved into the cold water, cleaning his face a little bit but not to much. he was dunked in a multitude of times, and each time he got air he would try to reason, or yell. Hoping at least someone to come in and help.

He couldn't fight anymore, he felt to weak to do so.

Fingers bent in an uncomfortable angle. Ankles twisted and laying limp. Bruises littered his limbs and torso. An imprint of a hand wrapped around his neck. Throat sore from all his shouting and screaming.

His head was bleeding from all sdes Nose crooked, also bleeding. The boy's face is indistinguishable from all his injuries. He had patches of missing hair.

Dream was looking at the mess he had done. But he looked at body in front of him, it was still breathing...Huh.

He caught the bookshelf still nt as messy as the rest of the room. Dream smiled as he scooped up all the books, and sat in front just a little bit away from his cellmate.

Before hurling the books at him with as much force he could do. But the boy didn't react. "You sleeping?" he asked throwing another heavy book at him. He threw some books before getting bored.

He sighed and slept tired from all the work-out.

The next day Sam entered the cell, and saw a horrifying scene. Wall tainted with dark red along with the floors, Hand-prints was scattered everywhere.
On the side of the cauldron, on a wall, some making a trail..

The water was murky and dirty, looking like blood water. Books bathed on the puddles of blood in the floor. Next to a familiar body.


Things have been acting up on my book because I update from my phone and laptop so things might be messed up.

Dresmp oneshots centered around Tommy (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now