A distant song

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(tommy display of his music talent.)

Tommy was a music enthusiast 



Tommy watched as Micheal had fun with the piano, creating a mishmash of notes as he slammed his hand down the keys.

He remembers his own experience with instruments, Phil said he was musically gifted.

Tommy tapped Michael's shoulder, turning the kid's attention to him. he moved his hand to sign "Want me to sing you a song?" to which Michael responded excitedly with rapid head nods.

He lifted Micheal, sliding into the seat and placing the baby zombie piglin in his lap. The child looked at him with excitement, and he smiled softly at it.

He opened his mouth and started his song.

"I used to hear a simple song, that was until you came along." Tommy's voice was raspy and broken but to Michael, he sounded like an angel blessing his ears. "Now in its place is something new, and I see it when I look at you" Tommy booped Michael's snout causing him to giggle, he moved his hands to the piano pressing the keys gracefully.

Micheal watched in awe as he watched the mangled fingers move with ease, creating beautiful sounds. He looked up at Tommy's face, smiling brightly seeing his uncle's face relaxed not like he was tense or awkward.

"With simple songs I wanted more, Perfection is so quick to bore" Tommy's bigger hands grasped Michael's and led his claws to play along with him. "You are my beautiful by far, our flaws are who we really are"

He focused on moving his hands with the one leading him, Tommy chuckled a little bit on the face he was making. "I used to hear a simple song, that was until you came along" Michael stopped moving his hands, amazed at how long he held the note with his voice. "You took my broken melody, and now I hear a symphony" Tommy sang with all his emotions pouring out, looking down at Michael as he finished the note. "And now, I hear a symphony".

Tommy smiled as the child clapped happily, snorting and huffing. He signed again to him, "Want me to teach you?" to which the kid again nodded with vigor. 

They spent the entire afternoon playing the piano. 

And that night he showed his ability to play a simple song, and when they asked where he learned it he said "Uncle mimi did" pointing at a framed picture on the wall. But then bee burst into tears, walking away with boo. He didn't know what to do, at least Tommy was back on his side. 

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