Next, The World

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Requested by : blossom__technosimp 
: Listen carefully tommy actually made the egg and planted itt o take over the dream SMP one day he visits and turns into a half human version of the egg and he praises it and talks about plans to take over them smp but little did he know the EGGPIRE heard him and so did the rest of the server. 


Tommy walked through the smp observing the red vines that covered the land, it climbed walls of towers and covered structures swallowing them whole. He had been watching his creation's progress, but he couldn't be there for half the time having been exiled and all the other troublesome events that had blocked his path to the egg.

But after the encounter with the Eggpire, he almost smiled at its improvement. Now that both Badboyhalo and Antfrost had a job at the prison and Punz somewhere not near the egg, he could talk to his masterpiece. 

When he entered the room tips of his hair turned red and grew longer matching the vines he was surrounded by, his canines become a bit bigger looking akin to a wolf's teeth. His arms were covered in red swarming up to his elbows, fingers turning to sharp claws. Mahogany red stems sprouted from his palms slowly wrapping themselves around his fists making intricate patterns as they traversed up. 

It was the same with his legs, He took of his tennis shoes watching as his foot transform into something resembling talons. Instead of a normal red his legs was shaded with merlot. Markings colored black faded in covering his thighs to his knees.

The marking had also appeared along his collarbones going to his nape, where more markings made themselves known through his back. Lining his spine and ribs. 

"Would you look at that." He flexed his hands, watching as the sharp fingers meet each other "The last I had this transformation was 300 years impress me" Turning his eyes on the egg. Inspecting the familiar marking across his body.

"rotaerc ym dalg ma I"  it echoed through the room. (I am glad my creator)

"How long till you are fully nourished?" 

"rewop lluf ot emoc llahs I dna secifircas erom wef A"  (A few more sacrifices and I shall come to full power)


As the two had their conversation while the eggpire hugged the wall inching their way to the entrance of the room, curious as how someone could talk to the egg. They widened their eyes as they look at the figure in the room, no matter how many changes he goes through they will always recognize Tommy. But something about him was different not just his appearance, his aura changed from loud and brash to mature and serious.

Bad whispered to other people asking for them to join in a call through their comms, explaining Tommy's weird development. Having convinced all of them to join the call, all of them listened in to the conversation.

"I've gotten dream out of the way, he can't stop us now that he is in prison." His plan to get rid of one of the most powerful person in the smp had worked. "At this rate we can take over half the smp, hmm" The strawberry blond tapped his chin. "Are there any threats to you?" 

".em yortsed ot gniyrt si yffup deman nosrep A" The egg said. Ant typed the translation through whispering. ".yffup deman nosrep eht htiw devlovni teg yeht fi taerht a eb thgim yeht hguoht sa leef I.etacidnyS eht sevlesmeht llac yeht ,dnal siht ni puorg wen a s'erehT"  It continued. Member of the said group widened their eyes to the text that Ant had sent. How did it know about their secret organization?

("A person named Puffy is trying to destroy me."     "There's a new group in this land, they call themselves the Syndicate. I feel as though they might be a threat if they get involved with the person named puffy."

Tommy clicked his tongue "How do we get them infected, I've seen people lately destroying you're lovely vines. Their wasting nutrients." He scowled. 

"?yffup tcefni I oD"  (Do I infect puffy?)

"No! It'll be too suspicious. someone who hates you with a passion suddenly loving you. It's gonna raise awareness, and we'll lose big." 

".gge tsal tsal eht fo emit gnideef tsal eht rof tneserp gnieb mih fo seiromeM .oga sraey 06 morF .meht tsgnoma ecaf railimaf a s'erehT"  ("There's a familiar face amongst them. From 60 years ago. Memories of him being present for the last feeding time of the last last egg.")

Tommy furrowed his brows, his last last egg died after an explosion. It was one of the almost successful one, too bad it died. Karl. His another threat since he knows how his creation works. 

"He's...We need to get rid of him fast." Tommy nodded to himself, "If we infect him, Sapnap will surely come. Big Q is a challenge...He's stubborn." Then he remembered something. "Right! whats your progress with ranboo?" Turning his heels and sitting on the nearby chest, "Tell me you've gotten dream out his head." asking hopefully.

".ereht neeb dah eh deirt ev'I emit ,tey elkcat ot em rof gnorts ot raf si lortnoc sih yltanutrofnU" Guilt lacing its tone, Tommy cursed " We need to kill dream quickly." slamming his fist onto the wood. "I am going to have to pay him a little visit." He said as his lips were pulled into a frown.

("Unfortunatly his control is far to strong for me to tackle yet, time I've tried he had been there.")

George who had been with karl and sapnap widened his eyes. "What?" he hissed turning his head to the two of them who looked equally suprised.

Bad fumbled with his comms as they try to quietly get away when the boy made his way to the door. But it was too late, they were caught red-handed. Baby blue eyes bore through them as they were stuck onto place. "Seems there was visitors." Smirking vines ripped from his back and taking ahold of the four, "Spare some food?". Their communicators were dropped as they were shoved into a inclosure. 

People on the other side heard shouts, "Try not to take to much we still need them." as sloshing sounds was prominently heard. 

A crack and then the call was cut off.


Speed ran this because I loved the idea so much thanks for the request! uwu

I hope it is to your taste :^D.

Dresmp oneshots centered around Tommy (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now