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When Technoblade shot his fireworks at tommy, he expected the smell of charred flesh and burnt hair. He expected the boy's body to be burned black and in pieces.

Well, the latter was fulfilled but the others weren't.

In front of him was no boy, but a malfunctioning robot.

It's jaws of its hinges after the powerful shot, skin and muscle singed off to reveal the metal underneath. Eyes would you even call it eyes? It looked more like cameras, leaking oil.

An arm laying of the ground, wires showing itself from within it's dark depth.

The thing was not tommy, was it? Was it the Tommy that followed him around with awe in his eyes? Was it the child who believed in his words and teachings?

The little kid who would cry and beg for them to stay after a nightmare.

Then was their whole bond together a lie?

Memories of him creating a bond with each of them cruised by, getting swallowed by the wave of truth they found out.


Robot au I had in my mind for a while.

Dresmp oneshots centered around Tommy (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now