Your roots are showing

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Both Tommy and Tubbo dyed their hair at young ages after philza said not to, wanting to be the little devils they were.

Both of them had brown hair, and they had bleached it with the bleach Wilbur had bought when he was going through a "phase".

Wilbur had also helped them giving them small instructions, but not directly helping them. When Philza saw their brown locks replaced with blonde, he had gone onto a rant talking their ears off. But after that, they started getting used to their new hair.

After a few years of it Tubbo had gotten tired of trying to constantly maintain the blond, so he had stopped and let his hair grow out. He had been stuck with long hair until it was finally long enough to cut.

Tommy still didn't change his hair color, growing quite attached to the color. His hair was meticulously cared for, he had an arrangement of hair-care products. And when he joined SMP-earth he took it with him.

The friends he had made there didn't know he actually had brown hair, having been introduced to him with the shining blond. They can't imagine him with any other kind of color, to used with his bleached hair that resonated with his bright personality.

When he moved to Dream SMP, they also hadn't known he bleaches his hair twice a month. And when the revolution came he had a harder time getting his hands on the much-needed product to cover his brown locks. When he does get his hands on some, he does it quietly he doesn't know why but he does.

And when he did get caught by Wilbur both of them just stared and finally, the older broke the silence "Right, your a brunette" he said in a realizing tone. Looks like he was also used to blondinnit.

For the times he couldn't cover the natural color he wore helmets 24/7, not taking it off. And when the war was over he was finally given the freedom to take off the restricting son of a bitch.

But then he was exiled, again the product was much harder to get as patrols walked the perimeter of his home.

He started wearing helmets again.

When L'manberg was blown sky high, he couldn't believe it. He was absolutely devastated at the event, and mourned his brother's death.

He took Wil's signature beanie and his coat, which he washed and mended. He cried as he washed off the blood and sew the hole in the back. He sews more patches onto the coat decorating it with all the patches he and tubbo created.

He went back to his childhood home, it was filled with dust and old memories. He looked around the house, seeing the memories in what looked to be holograms. He watched as he ran around with his old brown hair, creating a mess in every room.

He walked up the stairs and went to the bathroom, seeing the memory of when he bleached his hair. tubbo standing next to him already with the foil and helping him put some in the back. Wilbur leaning against the frame giving them the instructions, and mocking them when they did something wrong.

Tommy sighed and went through the cabinet, he took the box of supplies for his hair. Debating if he should also let his hair grow out, and turn back to being a brunette in honor of his deceased brother.

Looking at the mirror, he decided he was going to keep it. Wilbur knew him as the bright blond and he was going to stay that way.

After a bit of a crime, he was thrown out. By his own best friend, the person he had considered his brother for years. He wasn't given the chance to take anything, and even if he did dream would've blown it up.

He spent weeks in isolation, people only came by once in a blue moon. Dream always came, but that was because he was Tommy's friend.

His hair grew and his roots peeked through but without his products, he couldn't touch it up. So with the beanie, he took from Wilbur he wore it every day. Effectively getting his long hair out the way, and keeping the brown out of sight.

Dream had given a questionable glance at the new style, but Tommy was quick to say it was to get the hair out of the way. And it was a believable statement since his hair was growing without a proper haircut.

When Dream had found his secret room, he was pissed. Tommy had tried apologizing and begging, promising he would never do it again but dream didn't listen. Instead, he placed TNT around logstedshire and turning to Tommy "You have betrayed my trust Tommy, so no more logstedshire, no more visits and no more portal" he paused on that and lit a piece of explosive and threw it into a pile nearby letting it cause a chain reaction. "Until you have thought about what you have done."

Tommy watched as his temporary safe place gets turned into a crater.

The explosion almost blew the beanie off but it had stayed. Dream destroyed the portal and left him to deal with the damages.

He didn't deal with it instead, he ran away. Tommy never ran away, but this time he did making his way to the cold tundra.  


This was going to be more longer and stopping after the prison arc but after rereading it today I have concluded that it's good enough like how I do it with the rest of my work

I might make a sequel or something that's similar because this idea is just really interesting to me.

Dresmp oneshots centered around Tommy (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now