Flower picking

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It had been only a few hours since Tommy's death. Everyone had laid in their bed chasing sleep or passed out due to crying. But those who chased sleep were finally lulled into a peaceful dream. 

All of them woke up not to a stormy day, but a bright one. The sun blaring comfortably, and the breeze didn't carry any trace of the previous pollution that always plagued the SMP. They stepped outside, and before they knew it they were all in a small field. They haven't seen these fields before. Flowers of different kinds and colors were scattered amongst the tall grass. 

Each of them looked at each other. How did they get here? Why are they all here? Where are they?

But those questions were thrown away when they heard a familiar voice. "OY WHY ARE YOU DICK HEADS JUST STANDING THERE?" the blond shouted from the other side of the field, Puffy and Sam were first to run to him "Tommy!" They shouted. Both of them hugged the boy real tight, Tear poured as they muttered wet apologies, and forgiveness. 

"Guys as much as I like you, what are you talking about?" Tommy asked looking into their eyes, "Tommy...you died.." Sam said sadly. "What?!" He yelled looking at the other people surrounding him now, "That's ridiculous! Are all of you playing a joke on me?" He said looking into each and every eye of all of them. "One day I gather you all together, and you decide to prank me," The boy said rolling his blue eyes. 

Without even a second later Technoblade spoke up, "Excuse me but since I love to ruin fun. What exactly are we doing here?" he said in his usual tone. "What do you mean?" Tommy scrunched his brows looking at him "Do you not remember tomorrow's the opening of BigInnit hotel, and I wanted flowers for it so I thought to myself what would Vikkstar do?" a few people rolled their eyes. "and I thought of the brilliant plan of inviting all of the people in the smp to a flower picking." spreading his arms in a sort of ta-dah position, smiling wide with his eyes looking proud. "I even sent invitations, and all of you responded with a yes!" pulling out papers with all of their signatures on them. 

And before they could speak about it, Tommy babbled and led them to a table (which had not been there when they came) full of baskets. "Now go on, the person who picks the most flowers gets to a suite in my hotel!" He said getting his own basket. All of them split into groups, to people they were comfortable with. 

They spent the day chatting and actually talking to people they missed, Tommy would walk around to each of them and talking carrying a basket full of tulips in the colors of white, pink, Lily of the valley, Guernsey lilies, Purple and pink poppies, and purple hyacinth. They all picked their flowers, and when the sun was a few hours away from setting they were all called back to the table. 

They set down the baskets with smiles on their faces and chest lighter than yesterday. "Good work team!" Tommy said "Now I really need to go, there's still things I need to prepare for the grand opening so it'll be best that I go now." Taking his basket and turning around. But sapnap interrupted his exit "Wait! who won we haven't even counted the flowers yet" people around him nodded. The teen gave out a cheeky grin "Get Scammed!" He laughed out they groaned, smiled, or rolled their eyes. "But! I do want you guys to make those flowers into a bouquet, Puffy gave me the idea that when you guys arrive you put it in front of the hotel. Isn't that right Captain Puffy?". Puffy widened her eyes because when she suggested that idea he looks like he wasn't paying attention, "Yea.. Yea I did.." She smiled. "Now I'll be seeing you ladies and gents tomorrow!" he turned and walked. And they did as well. 

They couldn't see the sad smile that was now pulled into the blond's face. Each and one of them did their boquets, smiling as all of them arranged the flowers into their liking. And went to bed hoping for another happy day.

They woke up to raining. The clock all of them had on their bedrooms showed March 2 instead of March 3. Their lungs compressed, and hearts beated fast. They speedwalked to the place they left their boquets, instead of the flower they had picked the boquet was lined with Purple hyacinth, with splotches of red poppies, daffodils, pink and yellow roses. And the inner circle was filled with flowers that represented their personality, and inside of that were flowers that represented Tommy's last feelings for them before he had died. 

Tears were again shed, people who had vases placed it in. The salty water dripped inside as they arranged the flowers meticulously. And again all of them found themselves in one place, this time the Biginnit hotel. Some of them held each other as they walked to the Incredble hotel. People who were looking up gasped upon the sight, Bright colorful flowers in boquets laid in front of the entrance. And so the rest looked up and saw the beautiful sight, Each of the boquets had tags on them.

Dream approached the one that looked like the one he arranged, and read the tag. "Made by dream.." He mumbled. Others went to theirs and cried again, with smiles on their faces. 


Dresmp oneshots centered around Tommy (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now