Help me go back home

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Micheal stared outside, watching as the white powder layer on the ground. It was cold here, but his numb skin made it bearable. He still longed for the warmth of the nether, the feeling of lava lakes and ashy netherrack. 

He couldn't escape, rather he was scared too. His packmates always told him shiny weapons colored black was dangerous, and the men who took him in did not only have weapons but also armor. He had no choice but to stay. 

He liked his name and the things he was provided with, but the feeling of his missing pack still lingered just behind him. He missed his brothers and sisters, and the adults that would watch them. 

There were nice people who would come by, but they did not understand his pleas for home, only cooing at him and smiling before leaving. 

Today, was a new day. The shorter of the two had told him someone was visiting, someone important. He could hear them talking downstairs, boisterous chatter as they made their up. He first saw 'Tubbo' open the trap door, Michael knew some overworld. He knew that they were greeting him. 

He only snorted back as a response. The child finally saw his new guest, a young man with dull blonde hair and gray eyes. The man furrowed his eyes before looking to the ones who brought him here, he looked distraught. They went back and forth before his guest shut his mouth and looked at him. 

The blond kneeled down to meet his eyes, "Are you okay?" Michael widened his eyes and immediately sent a flurry of words in piglish. "Slow down there pal, how about we slow down there." He placed a hand on his small shoulders and looked back at the two in the corner of the room watching them, the man said something and both of them walked back downstairs. 

He looked back at the kid, who looked like he was about to explode. "Are you cold?" he asked to which the zombified piglin shook his head, "how'd you even get here man?" 

"Can you help me go back home?" he tentatively asked.



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