My mother will hear about this!

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Okay I don't wanna write an entire fully fleshed-out backstory but Tommy died at the prison and mumza took him away but she couldn't give him his old body back and he was transferred to the harry potter universe as a baby and about the age of harry. He was taken care of by a crow turned human I'm naming Kiyana she'll make an appearance. Anyways when he became old enough he studied magic with her for a while but eventually, she needs to go back to her duties as a reaper so he gets sent to Hogwarts at the beginning of prisoner of Azkaban. And this setting is at the order of the phoenix. He and mumza often talk and he used to train in magic sometimes in her office and when she would get breaks they would often spend it often. If not then mumza is with wilbah or philza Minecraft. They don't know tho cuz mumza is kinda mad at them. he remembers the past btw but healed over time. Also, I will make some things up based on my assumptions feel free to correct me it's just that I did not have the amount of knowledge to make a direct conclusion. And also if it fits with what I'm writing

Also for some of the schedule here I'm using this ( it was made by @ goblinqueen on tiktok 


Tommy was an odd one, the people of Hogwarts concluded. He had suddenly appeared during 3rd year in a flurry of feathers, the next day after the new first years had just come. Everyone had been frightened by his sudden appearance in the morning, that every staff had been at the great hall immediately after a whole lot of panic at such time in the morning. It was quite the scene when the staff did get there, the boy demanding for Dumboldore while they argued. But eventually, the headmaster himself went to the commotion. 

He had been handed a letter and a skim of his eye on its content before he asked everyone to be seated. The old man led the boy to the front before announcing that he will be studying at Hogwarts and welcoming him as a new student. He had quickly asked for the sorting hat and sat Tommy at the janky three-legged stool. It was another interesting event, to say the least. 

The hat announced loudly "Sly and cunning." narrowing its eyes and makeshift lips turning into a grin, "Intelligent and witty." they noticed how it looked at the tables it described, "Loyal and Compassionate." there was a beat of silence. "As well as Brave and Daring"

"MY! If I were to put you into any house you'd be perfect in each one!" It shouted excitedly"But the question is..Which one?" a serious tone as it skimmed over the tables. The boy only crossed his arms with an irritated look on his face, shoulders hunched and legs bouncing impatiently. 5 minutes passed by like it was nothing causing murmurs to erupt amongst the tables. Another minute passed and another. The other teachers had been baffled as this was another rare case. While the blond had more of an irritated look on his face, nose scrunched and lips pulled down into a frown. 

He inhaled deeply "WOULD YOU MAKE A CHOICE ALREADY YOU STUPID HAT" he shouted, hands wanting to strangle the hat if it had a neck to grapple unto. The old hat only laughed "GRYFFINDOR!" 

The house cheered for another member at their table. Tommy was escorted by Professor McGonagall and sat next to Dean Thomas. And the whole thing had been resolved. 

Tommy was a bit of a mystery, but they had learned more about him through the years. Hanging out with the twins and causing all kinds of mischievousness. He was generally nice to everyone, it didn't take time to know that sometimes he had a temper or the complete opposite of what he was yesterday. He adored his family but hated speaking too much of them, mostly talking about his mom or brother. Tommy was most of the time seen outside or in the greenhouse, sometimes even in the library where his nose would be buried deep in a magical beast book.

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