My teeth bleeds black.

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"oh..uh I guess you don't know what happened huh?..." Ranboo fidgeted with his hands "god why did I have to be the one to break the news" he mumbled "Tommy got stuck in the prison with dream, it was only supposed to be a few days but uh..How do I say this?" the enderman felt a lump in his throat, as sams remorseful face and tubbo's look of denial flashed across his eye.

"He...didn't make it." he spurted out quickly, flinching as he did expecting anger and lashing out. But what came was laughter remarks of how he can't be dead because Tommyinnit always ALWAYS comes back. "We need to see the body first before I believe that," Techno said snorting "Now onto next business." he continued. Ranboo bit his lip and pulled on his fingers harder.

In the prison, sat two people. Grey skin littered with bruises and cuts, black eyes oozing an unknown substance, while it also dribbled out his mouth. Hands were coated in it, making a dripping sound along with the crying obsidian. He shivered as he felt people talking about him, interrupting his humming session. He turned his head to the side, trying to find something with nothing but a wall in his face.

The person he sat across from looked relieved, sighing as he put his hands away from his ear. Tommy looked back at Dream tilting his head, a sickening crack echoed in the tight space his neck hanging limply because he tilted it. It straightened again after of what felt like forever for dream, he didn't like the way those empty eyes looked at him. "I'll be back" Tom grinned letting more of the inky liquid out of his mouth.

He passed through the wall leaving some residue on the walls he walked through, it also dripped onto the floors staining the pristine black stone. Sam didn't seem to notice him while he walked away, but he did see the black ooze coming out from nowhere.

The sun was shining when he went out, It burned his eyes. So his eyes bored to the ground, walking in the wooden path. Stopping at a dirt hill decorated with flowers and statues that looked like him, furrowing his brows Tommy uprooted the flowers. Tearing the petals away and throwing them, he pulled on the stems making sure every single one was out of its place. It looked better in his opinion.

Onto the statues, With the black ooze, he griefed it. Breaking pieces, writing profanities, insults, and drawing a smiley face on each of them.

Tommyinnit's work was done.

But a single allium had not been destroyed, he plucked it with great care before continuing his journey.

Usually, people's feet would sink into the snow but Tommy's didn't. Venturing into the cold tundra, he stumbled his way to a spruce house. And on the porch, a little baby piglin was playing mumbling to himself as he moved with random items.

Tommy stood there looking at the small child, the black liquid sinking into the snow.

Micheal looked up from his toys to a sound of a faucet leaking, he looked up and saw Tommy. Micheal thought he looked funny, his eyes traveled to his face and hands as the black stuff dripped from them. Tommy reached his arm out, holding the flower in front of him. He then crouched to the kid's height, the allium now in his face.

The curious child took the puffy flower, hooves getting dirtied with the substance around its stem. It looked pretty, he carefully examined it. Eyes wide and amazed, he looked up and smiled at the strange man who smiled back. But he then waved goodbye and floated away.

That night he showed bee and boo the pretty flower, he even drew them a picture of what the man looked like.

Dresmp oneshots centered around Tommy (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now