See you later

274 16 0

It was the middle of the night, and Quackity was wandering the quiet SMP. A nagging feeling in his mind keeping him up, so he let his feet lead while he sat in the backseat.

He finally stopped at a cliff, there was someone sitting at its edge. He stood beside the person, blue eyes met his brown one.

"Hey" Tommy spoke, "What are you doing up Tommy?" He asked.

"You know...just thinking.." The blond said taking a rock and playing with it "About what?" Quackity said as looked down the edge.

"About..." They again made eye contact, it was unnerving for the Mexican but kept his gaze.

"the usual." The boy said simply looking down before flicking the rock off.

He again looked back at the now gambler. Who understood what he meant, watching the rock fall and shatter.

Tommy sighed "Sit with me big man" patting the place beside him.

Plopping down with a huff, Quackity shivered as the cold breeze passed by. He was brought out of his thoughts when Tommy said something that he wasn't meant to know 

"I know you're trying to get the book" 


"Been seeing you come in and out the prison...everyday.."

"..Does anyone else know?"

"No, no one give a fuck about the prison but me" Tommy turned to him with with a dead face, he swears that he saw bruises on the boys face.

Tommy stood up "Sooner or later he'll crack right?" he turned to stare at the distance, "You should go home soon big q." Icy blue eyes boring into the sky.

"..Fine.." Quackity stood up and turned his back he was starting his first steps, he stopped. "Make sure you don't regret this tommy."

"Trust me, I won't"

Quackity only sighed and started his trek down "Hey big q?"


"Can you leave me alone for at least 3 weeks?"

there was a pause..

"I'll try."

"Thank you.."

If he could turn around, maybe he could see his smile. But he can't bear to see, it'll hurt to much and tommy already made his decision.

When he reached the bottom, he heard an echoing crash. He bit his lip and walked.

"See you later tommy."


this was supposed to be an execution and be sbi centered.

might make it a separate one shot ;^)

Dresmp oneshots centered around Tommy (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now