It's a little science fact

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Tommy once heard it from Tubbo, while they were young, reading books in the public library. Well, it was more of helping Tubbo read complicated words and learning new ones with the help of a dictionary. While he moved onto another book, Tubbo was still focused on the one about space and earth.

He had looked up when the other boy tugged on his pants, before crawling to where he was a book in hand. "Look Tommy," pointing at a paragraph, "It says, that the overworld has a certain sound that our body recognizes," Tubbo pulled the book more to his face not letting Tommy see, making him smile "I can't-" 

"That's why some people feel anxious in the nether!" His cooler blue eyes excitedly raked over the page "Isn't that cool?!" 

Pulling a toothy grin "Yeah it is!"

Maybe that's why his heart beats faster, the hot, dry air doing wonders for his breathing problems. He felt his pulse at his throat, wanting to jump out the moment it has the chance. He jumped at every noise. 

He didn't spend much time in the nether, it was at most an in and out job. 

But, it felt more comforting than the dark, cold sea he'd been waking up in. And warmer than the harsh rain that always comes every other day. It didn't help that he was next to the tundra, the biting cold always getting into his flimsy tent, and under his thin blanket. 

Tommy's hand shook, legs dangling over the burning lava, the heat passing through the worn-out rubber of his shoes. He wondered how it'll be to sink through it. 

Will it be like water? floating back up as you burned?

or Will it be like honey? Heavy and thick, dragging you down even further. 

His colorless eye darting over the bright magma, flinching as he heard a ghasts cry out. He stood up, not wanting to be there when one goes by. Shakily walking the turning paths, cursing as he stumbled over certain portions. Heart racing when he did. 

Walking into the portal, the purple hue went over his eyes, covering them. The insistent sizzling was replaced by rain dropping hard.  

His body calmed, not feeling like he was about to get jumped and shanked just for standing. The cold droplets pouring over him, drastically different from the nether's searing atmosphere. 

He thinks about that fact again. 

In the void.

There was no buzz in the air, hell there wasn't even air. It was empty.

Tommy was sure that if his heart was still beating, it would be faster than an untamed cat getting approached. 

Everything was numb. 

The ground was non-existent, he was just floating in nothingness.

It felt weird that he didn't have to breathe or blink or eat or drink. He was just dead. 

He couldn't feel anything.

He could still talk, could talk for hours without limitations. Like everybody, he got tired of it fast.

Wilbur would talk to him as well. But would stay quiet when Tommy said something he didn't quite like, or mocked him till Tommy wanted nothing else but beat him up. Every time he would talk, sometimes a horn of a train would blare in the back or mindless whispering. Like they were talking through a phone call. 

He could hear schlatt snore, sometimes. It made him more comfortable. Since schlatt sounded like he was only in the other room. Sleeping. Like those times Wilbur and him had sleepovers. Waking up in the morning to complain to his face about his loud snoring. 

He doesn't like the fact as much as he did back then.

Dresmp oneshots centered around Tommy (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now