High on life

429 18 3

(this isn't angst so if ya dont want dont read this is quite happy )

(drug use :^) )

Both Tommy and Tubbo bask in the moonlight as smoke lazily floated around them, they passed the blunt to each other not wanting to waste the precious drug.

"D'you remember that time when you thought you could fly like Phil, so you climbed a tree and broke your arm?" The smaller giggled taking a drag while Tommy playfully pushed him. "Well do you remember when you thought could be a bee so you went to a hive, then got stung a bunch of times?" Tubbo only snorted "yea, but you supported me".

Tommy exhaled as tubbo watched, "I wish I could be smoke" the older boy said following the trail as it dispersed in the cool air. "Free, just flying away." putting his hands up wiggling them, before turning to the loud blond "wouldn't you agree?" he asked "Yeah, me too" Tommy passed the blunt back to him.

They stayed silent, enjoying each other's company while watching the stars. 

(should I write something where they get caught??)

Dresmp oneshots centered around Tommy (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now