I am Icarus

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"Here's what they don't tell you" Techno read to Tommy who was cuddled to his side watching his brother's face expectantly. 

"Icarus laughed as he fell. Threw his head back and yelled into the winds. Arms spread wide. Teeth bared to the world."

Icarus laughed as he saw the destruction, as his father looked on at his son's insanity, as his brother looked on as Icarus screamed on about his forever unfinished symphony. 

"There is bitter triumph in crashing when you should be soaring."  dark red eyes took a glance at the innocent blue one, the two colors clashing with one another. 

The same blue eyes watched as the sky he was touching became farther, He'll be out of the wretched man's tower and be free. 

"The wax scorched his skin, ran blazing down his back, his thighs, his ankles his feet." Wilbur came in collapsing right beside techno, leaning into his warmth.

Even with the anvil providing shade, the sun burned him, as does the glare of the people. But he felt himself be grounded on that fact that he could feel his father's eyes on him watching him, his call for him to be released.

"Feathers floated like prayers, past his fingers," the musician interrupted having heard the poem a million times, "Close enough to snatch back." fingers absent-mindedly tracing the paper. 

Handing a sword to his beloved father, he begged for death. The runes came to life as it embedded into his flesh, burning it closed. With the sword plunged into his chest, the pressure and burning pain almost made him scream, but only tears came out.

He knew the ground was closer as the top of his tower looked minuscule, and the air felt harsher on his back. The sound of waves crashing was tuned out by the ringing of his ears, feeling the blood rushing around.

Rough hands tightened over the carved wood, as the hand hovering over the lever pushed down hastily. The anvil now steadily descending, he felt his eyes twitch, lungs collapsing in on themself. The commotion drowned out by his heartbeat, it was only him and the murder weapon. 

"Death breathed burning kisses against his shoulders, where the wings joined the harness."  Tommy was slow to speak, but clear when he pronounced each word. The twins smiled as the youngest, and they received a blinding smile back.

 A crinkled cigarette was the only thing he had that didn't run out, a robotic voice coming over the speakers, speaking words he was tired of trying to understand. Dark shadows of people hunched over, mindlessly wandering. As was he. Only to end back to where he was. 

The water felt solid, his back colliding with it pushing the air out of his lungs and punching him in the gut. He sunk, numbing cold water enveloping him like it always did. 

As the anvil went down on his body, a searing pain came to take over. Everything burned as his body was put together, feeling like he had been cauterized from the inside out.

"The sun painted everything in shades of gold." 

A smile was slapped onto his face, watching the sun rise up. Him standing over his grave, and the grave of his L'manberg. 

Dull eyes already saw the shades of pinks and orange through the murky waters, rising up from the ocean he kept himself afloat. Rays of sunlight touching his blue shivering skin. 

Climbing over the iron bars, the sun hit his face feeling a bit more comforting than blazing. 





lol was minding my own business till that popular icarus poem came to me so I google searched it and found the one that fit the best to what I was planning

lol was minding my own business till that popular icarus poem came to me so I google searched it and found the one that fit the best to what I was planning

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