you're better than the rest

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A warm afternoon, Tommy was sat in the middle of his house, the door opened to let the fresh summer breeze in. It was still hot but the wind that came by from time to time made it bearable.

Shroud had been in his house webbing away, sometimes going outside to catch an unsuspecting mob but always returning after his successful hunt. The large spider had now made his way to his owner, gently padded to his chest. Tommy was certain he didn't even fit with his large size, but the spider still climbed on nevertheless. 

It hissed, wanting attention. 

The blond let go of his paper fan and pet the spider's head, "You know just how to show what you want huh buddy?" he snorts, the spider only hissed back. 

"I wish people can be like that." stormy eyes turning to look at the blue sky, "People don't show that much, they aren't straightforward like you guys." his mouth quirked up, "I guess that applies for me too." 

His eyes wandered, "Sometimes I read people wrong and I fuck everything up." Looking at the spider's red eyes he sees his reflection. "But it's also their fault right?" 

The grass brush against one another, the wind passing by. Shroud only snuggled up and hissed. "I guess you're not good at that kind of talk?" 

"I'm not good at those kinds of subjects as well." 


Just me writing about how tommy and half the people of the smp are shit at emotions and would rather jump off a cliff than talk about it.

Dresmp oneshots centered around Tommy (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now