A long forgotten immortal

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(the title seems like angst sorry but it's comedy)

This wasn't a really known fact, but Tommy was Immortal.


He lived longer than gods and had been alive since fire was discovered. He traveled the world time and time again, visiting old places and new ones that had sprung up.

Tommy had done many heroic things, from saving a child to a king. And if he liked the place he'll hang around, saving a few hundred lives, stopping a couple of wars, and giving wisdom to people.

And in those places, he'll be given a statue or a big portrait in the town's square for people to worship. Tommy thought it was a bit weirdchamp, but hey free stuff.

But in places, he saves from major calamities builds him a big temple. That's when he said to himself "okay no more saving people," besides the gods were already getting annoyed with him.

Sometimes if he wanted to, he would climb a random staircase and he would be standing in a room full of gods. The first time he did this, every god who hated him said it to his face. But he laughed it off and called them children.

He had been billions of years old, and they were only millions.

He spent half of his time there, only coming down at night when the people placed food on his altar. Tommy got past the guards because they would recognize his handsome face, and he would see them brag to friends and family in the morning on how they saw the god protecting their land.

While the divinities looked at him with envy, as they could only eat honey and dried fruits on a glamorous table which Tommy thought was such a waste. They could only eat other things when festivals for them were held.

A couple of hundreds of years go by and those civilizations that worshipped him became infatuated with greed and so he stopped, and they either died out or word of him was never spoken again. The now hidden temples, portraits and statues were the only things that were left of him.

Soon he went back down, when a new land had been established. It catches his interest as one of the most powerful demon resided there, and of course he wanted to meet the infamous fallen angel.

His time on the SMP was all an act, a fantastic one the best he did. Seriously he should be given an award for playing a teen, not the annoying part though as most gods would say that's just him.

Before coming there he meet with an unusual group of people.

There was a proclamied Angel of death, which wasn't even him he was just bestowed a power similar to him. Besides the real one was a big asshole, who only glared at him from afar.

Then he also met the Champion of the blood god, that bitch always challenged him it was annoying.

And the most normal of them all was the musician, well turns out he was part siren. It's been a while since he saw one of those.

(surprise no sbi family dynamic for the 1st time)

Pretending to be this traumatized kid was quite fun until his monuments and temples were found.

Everyone flocked the uncovered temple, with a statue of him in the middle of it. Every nook and cranny had gold embellishments, A rare jewel made into an extravagant jug that infuriated many on how it was smashed into bits and had been labeled as ugly. Tommy was sure he broke it, but he'll act clueless. He knows how expensive it was and he only accidentally broke it, but the people thought it was a sign that it was unworthy of him and he had no choice but to go with the flow.

Now his statue, oh boy was it amazing the immortal was sure he could ogle the thing all day. It was made with the highest quality of marble, crafted by the most talented of sculptors. They got something wrong like his fingers, which on the sculpture looked almost dainty. His hands weren't like a coward's he was sure. He killed men with those palms, held deadly weapons only certain people could master, he also flips off people with them. He was that manly and awesome so how dare they give them the hand of someone who's never worked their entire life.

But he did hold a cool sword made with real steel and decorated with rare materials.

And by his feet were a miniature wheat field, and it was also made of gold. Suggesting good harvest every time he was given gifts. He wasn't sure where they made that assumption but they did give him delights, the other gods didn't even get on their altar.

There were scriptures on the wall written in an ancient language, Tommy could easily decipher it. Helping Fundy and Sam with "trying" to translate it to the language they know now. People assumed it was because he was taught by Philza and just let him help out.

(SURPRISE SHAWTY THERE IS SBI FAMILY DYNAMICS IN THIS SHIT you thought lmao well its faint but I put what I can)

It said "He who helps must be worshipped, Blond tresses made from the sun, Eyes a shade of blue brighter than the sky. He is a god we all must bow to." And he whole-heartedly agrees with it, His devilishly good looks should be worshipped as it should.

After discovering the temple, people actively searched for altars and other things that shows them forgotten gods and goddesses. And more of his memorials were discovered.

Tommy should be panicking and doing everything he can to cover it up, but he was just straight up vibing. Besides they were bound to know his origins.

When they found a perfectly preserved portrait in village where it was a family heirloom, the family weren't that easy and demanded payment as it was their ancestors greatest possession. The painting was gorgeous, it was faded and dirty in some places but it was beautiful not because of the quality but because of the person painted.

It was of a boy standing in field, wearing what looked to be a white toga that ended on his ankles. He was looking over his shoulder a mishvious smile on his face, his eyes were piercing and alive. Gold hair looked like it was swaying with the wind and they could almost hear chittering of birds. He looked familiar, haha they looked like that annoying child tommy....HOLY SHIT IT IS TOMMY.



sorry if you were expecting angst its still in the works because I am tweaking some of it or just haven't touched anything. but I do know they are gonna be 1,000+ words and that is my apology :^)

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