Chapter 8 case 3.1: The gate of Belliste's cabinet

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Warning: The whole case will be under Grace's narration via her diary. Enjoy at all!

"Why are you so mean to Matthew? Do you suspect him as a criminal too?" Nicole asked when we climbed the stairs

"No I'm not! It's just ..." I hesitated to find the suitable words "I'm mad at him because he wandered around me and he thought himself that he could deal with this but he couldn't realize that he teamed up with bad guys ... I mean that those managers at school! Of course they have the M tattoo and they worked for Metallized ... I just try to imagine how they gained trust from the principal and Matthew ..."

"So what do you think about this case now?"

"Well ... " I wrapped my arms while I thought about the events "Belliste walked inside her cabinet, I'm pretty sure that her cabinet is the secret lair to Metallized to action, thus she is included very well ... The thief who stole the school's USB ... I think that this person stole it for Metallized's sake to invest this dirty business and of course this thief knew us very well because this culprit stalked us when we were walking home. The terrorist ... they terrorized us to accomplish their mission as they tried to kidnap us as stealing goods, then after that they would sell us to Marconi. About the volunteers at school, they showed up with M tattoo identic, as a result, they are member of Metallized and it's obvious that they entered Belliste's cabinet very smooth ... But we learned that the boss of Metallized is a woman, and the hair strand ... I don't know that it's belong to the boss or the thief ... The thief was a woman as I witnessed ..."

"Alright! I think we will deal with new clues later. It's time for us to rest a bit ..."


I woke up and stared to the clock: 10 o'clock already! Damn it! I have skipped the breakfast and I looked so miserable. Interrogating with tough attitude, unwanted confrontation with my crush which made me exhausted a lot. Indeed, I nearly solved the case, thus I must devise new plan to give us back the normal life. I found Nicole everywhere but she wasn't here, maybe she had attended the breakfast without me. I didn't blame her for not calling me, because she knew that I was very exhausted to devise plan as well as interrogate the man who nearly assaulted us. Meanwhile, Nicole called out:

"Grace! You wake up! Here is your breakfast: a beef sandwich! Bon appetit!"

"Thanks Nicole! I thought that you only ate breakfast ..."

"You fool! Of course I cared for you too ..."

"Well thank you a lot!" I grateful answered then ate immediately 

Nicole was reluctant silent for a bit then she continued :"Hey today let's go to decoded Belliste's cabinet!" 

"Nicole! For the first time I have seen you suggest a new plan for us! But every cabinet only had the key ..."

"No I clearly looked at her cabinet. Her ones is exceptional! There are 6-digit-code and we need to decode it!" Her words suddenly reminded me when the managers entered the cabinet with that type of key only! Why couldn't I figure out earlier?!

"Oh yes, you are right! Let's see, maybe the code was hint through an evidence! We must think about it!" I said as I finished my meals.

"We have the card! We all witnessed that all the guys have it! Maybe the card is holding the code!"

"It's true, now, let's take closer look to the card!" I said as I detected the card carefully. The card was designed with the typical style: white background with black ink printed. The logo was in Ariel font style. Suddenly I found the petit arrow which was on the left corner of the card. I unpacked it carefully, and soon I learned that the card left me the name of the book as well as the cote: "The man in the iron mask" with cote BU1428 with the red handwriting. After thinking for a while, I talked:

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