Chapter 4 case 1: First two objects

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12: 15 PM, Grace's home, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Lunchtime is coming. The girls' lunchtime is simple but good: spaghetti and milk. The girls simply cook, eat then wash dishes. In Grace's home there is no dishwasher because she can't have enough money to afford the machine. However, Grace thinks it doesn't necessary to buy it due to the reason that there is only her living in this flat. After finishing chores, the girls go to bed to relax. Nicole lies in the bed and smiles:

"Your spaghetti is yummy and delicious. I'd love it. You cook better than my mom..."

"Oh you overate my cook. HA HA. I think your mom cooks good too"

"Oh no longtime you haven't eaten my mom's meals. Ha ha ha .... So anyway, jump to the case, what did you do after I have left your campus? What did you discover about this case?" Nicole turns curiously now

"Me? Well, I secretly followed Mrs. Nelly because she would lead me to go to her office. Mrs. Nelly seemed to be stressed again then go down to the mainland of the campus. And I ... I sneaked into her office ..."

"WHAATTT!!! You sneaked into her office? How can you do that? Besides I thought that she always locked her office before going outside?"

"I know, I forgot to bring the clip to unlock, so I choose this way without being caught ... That's ventilation." Grace replies calmly "In her office, in her main desk, she left one of my dossier ... but it isn't my central story because there is another profile ... I think that she was stressed about one of her employee who names Natasha Radcliffe ..."

"Who is Natasha Radcliffe? Her employee?"

"I guess so, but look at me, I'm a new freshman, so do you. I don't know a lot about workers in here ... even when I studied previous years in the US. I only know the name of some professors who are responsible for the course I have taken, OK? Talk about the mysterious profile 'Natasha Radcliffe', I haven't found out yet, but I will investigate later. I have already checked the camera on campus ..."

"The camera? Oh so what did it record about?"

"At 7:58 AM, some cameras which are near the backyard suddenly went no signal, I saw Mr. Vallies entered the main hall of Mathematical building, then turned right to go down to WC. There are 2 WC rooms next to the staff room. In this place the criminal went from the backyard to the exit used the Glock 26 gun shot Mr. Vallies' head and shot the camera which is located on the corner of the left ... About the criminal, I have seen he/she wearing a black suit, black mask, yellow gloves and white shoes which are very similar with Mrs. Vallies' shoes: dirty, same brands ... I believe that this was happened exactly at 8 AM, the time when bells were ringing for the course started. Why? Simple answer, the noise sound, so nobody can't hear the sound of shooting from gun ... Even the noise of screaming neither. And don't worry, I have copied the scene through my phone, Nicole. A real evidence!"

"How do you know the weapon was Glock 26? I swear I don't know anything about weapons ... You are totally expert in weapons brand, Gracie"

"I used to take a training course with a well-known German-American forensic scientist before I moved to Vancouver. He taught me everything as if he trained me to be a CIA agent. Oh well, he used to cooperate with CIA too. But anyway, you said that you collected two things. I think that we are both in my home so what are they?"

"Oh yes, there they are: a silver gun with a yellow gloves ... The gun, I don't know which brand ..." Nicole says then shows Grace these two objects. Grace looks them carefully and says : "Nicole, you are genius, you have found the Glock 26 and the gloves ... But where did you collect them?"

"I ran downstairs in the Mathematical building to search you. I went to the backyard through the exit on the right of the staff room, and I saw these things ... lying on the bush near there"

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