CASE 4: The secret weapon

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The peaceful days in Canada weren't long enough as the COVID pandemic which came from Wuhan lab abruptly entered the citizens' lifestyle. Lots of Europeans were death caused of COVID, the hospitals were lack of medical equipment to cure the new sickness. The fight between ethnicities and the criticism towards politicians' way to deal with virus drained Grace's energy a lot. She hated Communism as she heard the story of Nicole's paternal grandmother about people's starve and poorness in Vietnam cause of Communism. She hated the way Democrats like Jane Fonda or Clintons and others US citizens protested the war and abandoned Vietnamese behind the hand of Communism. The way people think about racial discrimination made Grace smirk a lot because to her, Chinese Communism insulted their people's image in front of the world, even their Asian race, thus some people hate them because of that. Grace knew that some people they didn't mean hate Asian, they did mean hate Communism that's all. 

When the world struggled to fight with COVID, Vietnam was proud of themselves that they fought COVID well. Even Nicole admitted that, Grace thought by contrast. Actually, the way Vietnam fought well was due to the fact that Vietnam is one state party country either, besides, Vietnam is Chinese's ally alongside with Cuban and North Korean. Before it happened like this, they would notify to their allies first, not US or Canada or Western Europe. They lied that the virus came from bat's cave, in fact, they were released in Wuhan lab owing to American's spying operation. Even the virus came unexpected just as others countries, the number of death cause of COVID were concealed immediately in order to protect their hunger power same as the number of actual case. Moreover, COVID can happen among non-symptom patients, and Vietnam didn't care to test free same as capitalism countries. Therefore, people could be dead but unfortunately, their faith in Communism government strongly than the way they trusted others or God. They had been brainwashed by their government's words through newspaper, TV, radio, etc. No matter how people said bad words towards her rigid opinion about Vietnamese's COVID preventive method, she's still be herself with her stubborn way.

The case of pandemic surged too fast thus all of countries, even US and Canada closed the schools and maintained online courses to study. Since the school closed, Grace mostly spent her hobbies and her studies at her rented home as the Canadian government's request. Sometimes she went outside to bought her food for stocking. She didn't worry a lot of her food because she had prepared well during March this year. She sometimes felt sorry to the homeless who couldn't afford well to stay. Or someone who lacked of their food supplies because nowadays going outside is strictly complicated. Sometimes she went outside she gave them some pennies in order to help them feed themselves. 

She still contacted with Nicole, her American or Canadian friends and her family but in distance. She stopped going to church everyday due to pandemic, but it didn't stop her faith in God. She believed that God would help people out of madness and someday the Communism would burn in hell for their worst actions towards their citizens. When she felt boring, she opened the window and looked the scenario with sad face. The Vancouver was like a ghost town as few people passed by just to buy their supplies. Her hobbies didn't fade a lot as usual but sometimes when she thought of pandemic, she nearly got insane same as the way she was angry towards Matthew, her ex-boyfriend, because she worried about starving, jobless, homeless, economics slowdown and lack of knowledge. Moreover, she started missing Andrew McCollins, who always bickers with her for their small pitied problems but she still missed his handsome face and his awesome appearance


9:45 AM, few last days of May 2020, Vancouver, BC .... 

The sound of typing which comes from Grace's laptop is the progress of finishing Grace course's report. She concentrates intensively surrounding with her drafts and her writings of course. She has already been finished, only to check carefully before submitting her work in Moodle. She does professionally and finally she has done! She quickly opens the Moodle course and deposits her work in pdf in the course's box. 

"Voilà! And very well, submit!" Grace whispers as she clicks on Submit button. The she pulls away the laptop in the table, she sighs happily:

"Finally I have done my work! I have worked intensively in order to finish as fast as I can! Oh my, I need to rest by the way!"

She comes towards her iron bed then lies completely without thinking. She stares the bluest skies via her windows. The clouds present in there with their whitest color and the sun happily emits the ray to the ground. The pigeons fly freely with their proud wings on the sky. She thinks:

"If only I could come back to the school. I don't know how Andrew is, and how he studies. Gosh, why I think of him?! I hate him and I know that! Remember his stupid mean Megan!!!!"

"Ring ... ring ... ring" 

Grace stands up immediately as her phone on the table next to the bed rings. She picks up and looks closely:

"Alright ... Hello, who is calling that?"

"Ms. Willington, are you OK?" The familiar sounds shakes slightly her memories. It's Mrs. Nelly! And why she calls in this situation, although she knows that the government has set lots of uncomfortable rules in this city!

"Oh, Mrs. Nelly, is that you?"

"Yes! Are you OK now?"

"I'm fine! And I want to know that why do you call me?"

"Do you have a lot of exams or reports in this present?"

"No, I've finished recently!"

"Thank Goodness, Ms. Willington! I need you to come to school immediately. It's urgent! The Vancouver Sheriff needs you to come there!"

"You mean the Faculty of Science UBC?"

"That's right! I can't tell you why right away but Nicole and 2 of her friends will accompany you under the sheriff's order!"

"I'll pass by! You want me to go there at what time?"

"Right now! Oh gosh! It's urgent I can't tell you why through this call!"

"Alright, I'll, bye, see you later!"

She sighs nervously "Exactly what she needs me do alongside with Nicole, 2 people I've never met and the sheriff? Especially during this jerk pandemic! Oh fine, anyway I'm in free time. It's so sad if I stay at home forever without air! I'll do this as my relaxation!"

Then she quickly grabs her thin navy coat covering her white pull and goes outside after locking her house carefully as usual.

To be continued ... 

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