Chapter 3 case 1: Mrs. Nelly's office - Friend or lover?

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Grace secretly follows Mrs. Nelly who heads to her office without being noticed. The road is quite slopped and narrowed, surrounding by the trees and the bushes. While Mrs. Nelly is opening the door, Grace quickly hides herself behind one of the bushes which is opposite to the office. Grace thinks:

"While Mrs. Nelly is in her office for business, I shall hide in here and wait. I can't do any further because I fear that some bodyguards will notice in here."

20 minutes later ...

"Oh fuck, the camera in the backyard is not working again!!! Why can't I check this profile??? Goddd, I must go for a walk to relax again ..." Mrs. Nelly murmurs. Meanwhile, Grace turns herself back, watching Mrs. Nelly on the way to climb down, thinks: "Great!! She has gone away!!! Now action time!!!", then rushes toward to the office. "Damn it, the door is locked, I forgot to bring the clip to unlock, I must try another way to break into her office ..." But suddenly, she sees the ventilation way, she has a light bulb with obviously smile: "Ah ha, bingo, now go through it". Grace with her iconic Samsung turns the flashlight on. Ewwwww!!! The ventilation is totally dark and humid, with some stinky smells.  The dust is in everywhere like a dense fog when Grace visited London 2 years ago. Finally, Grace enters Mrs. Nelly's office where contains a variety of documents everywhere and locks it safety. It looks like that Mrs. Nelly is quite stressed about one of the documents. But the question is, who is Mrs. Nelly tries to check and identify? That clue is still unknown, it doesn't support to this case. Maybe the clue 'cameras' totally makes sense. Grace heads to the main desk and notice the dossier, she opens the first page but that is the basic information of herself. She applied this school and its scholarship since April this year:


Candidate number : 013268

Full name of candidate: Grace Michelle Willington

D. O. B: 10/10/2001, Beverly Hills, California, USA

Nationality: American

High school attend: Los Angeles high school, Los Angeles, California, USA

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 126 Ib.

Hair color: Dark brown

Eyes color: Dark brown

Overall GDP score

GDP of grade 10 : A+

GDP of grade 11: A+

GDP of grade 12: A+ 

Signature  identification

Grace Willington"

Grace laughs "Oh Mrs. Nelly, you are so funny, why do you think that I'm a criminal? What motive do I  carry out?" Then she sees another profile and reads some yellow notes with red pen: "Do I know this person?"; "I have heard the name 'Natasha Radcliffe' since June or July this year"; "Is she a real employee in my school?", "I swear that this profile is totally fake but I can't figure it out!!". Grace thinks:

"Wow, so that why Mrs. Nelly stresses about that. I will check it later. All I want to do is identifying the appearance of the criminal and how Mr. Vallies is attacked. I will open the computer's screen immediately, I'm pretty sure that the camera will record this scene". Grace turns on the camera scene, but some of them are all no signal: "Damn it, common man, it's real. How about turning back to 7:55 AM this morning? Hope to figure this out. AHHHH it works. Wait stop it! I will copy them via my phone as a prove." 

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