Chapter 4 case 2: The secret cinema part 2

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Alongside with the infrared googles and flashlight, Grace runs toward to the cinema and stares through the glass. Luckily, the bodyguards have gone but she wonders where they were at that time. She opens the door and walks inside the cinema. Her frozen body melts and she feels warmer now. She pulls her goggles outside. This place doesn't make any impression for her neither. Quiet boring, narrowed, empty and less people except the vending machine, ticket controller and the radio. There is only the showroom in front of her and next to it is the WC. She enters WC but there is no clue. But if this place is narrowed, where is another exit? The WC is closed, only one exit door to get out the toilette. Probably there is something wrong about this cinema 

"I don't understand. At first probably I saw Andrew entered this cinema as the last position. What did he suppose to do when he spied on me and Nicole? Why yesterday he behaved kindly to me, contradict to those days before: scolded, fought, and even more gave me lots of unforgivable words. Is he trying to seduce me? Oh no way, as a rational person, I swear I never be defeated by him. Even that fucking his girlfriend too. Oh Andrew, don't you think it's easy for you to conduct this scheme ... Urgh, I jump in conclusion one more. Forget him! Anyway, I will go to the showroom, these freshmen must leave some clues in here." 

When Grace unlocks the door of showroom, she totally shocks. In here, there is the only door to get out after the movie. In fact, it's empty and no person left the showroom. Oh weird, where are Nicole and the others freshmen? The bodyguards too? She heard them screaming then moving but where is another way for them to go out? Moreover, if there are screams, the bodyguards must go inside to see what happened. Not again, what a strange case she has ever met! If they didn't go to watch this movie, they wouldn't disappear like this. 

"I will find any clue as fast as possible. Oh I'm so sleepy but I can't leave those mess in here. Common Grace do it! Don't fall asleep at this time!"

Grace looks carefully every aspect of the room, every corner, every seat, etc. but she can't find any clue except their food and beverage. She feels herself like the police now: hopeless to solve the case to bring the reason to the justice. Suddenly, in the middle row seat, she sees one object, it lies on the floor. She comes closer and picks that belonging. This is a 8.1 Nokia smartphone, one of the best phone brand in the world from Finland. Suddenly she muzzles her mouth by her left hand. She realizes the actual situation immediately, her terror has expressed well through her beautiful oval face: the phone which she is holding up is Nicole's belonging. Earlier when Nicole screamed, she did mention something making her headache, her eyes hurt and her body painful. Not only her but also the freshmen experienced like her. She is so painful and she can't hold her phone anymore ...

"The footsteps ... maybe someone in here must be kidnappers ... and Nicole .... has been kidnapped as well as the freshmen in here ... even earlier in mid November! The case has been happening for a month!! All of freshmen have been fooled, even the police! Besides, both of them all experience the eyes pain, the headache, body ache, etc. in the same time. Someone in UBC has already known this film and makes use of it for the terrorism, or maybe outside the UBC. Anyway I wonder if there is a camera in there, I want to know how they got out in here!"

She takes the flashlight and lighten up every corner from up to down, from left to right. However, she realizes it is useless to do her own way

"Damn, no camera! How can I know their way out of here? That's it, my infrared googles, probably they can help me track down the exit way!"

The infrared googles are on her way exactly, she has tracked down successfully one big exit in front of her. Turn out, that is behind the screen. Definitely the culprit has already known the way and creates secret exit. She pulls them out it again.

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