Chapter Thrity-Seven: The past can be pleasant sometimes

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A/n: Ayo Valentines day special! Ok I know it was yesterday but it's still kinda in season so you whatever. 

When they got there, they were hoping it was only going to be the three of them, like always. But they were wrong. Apparently, Nicole had invited her girlfriend, Pansy Parkinson to join them without asking them beforehand. It was awkward, to say the least. Isaac and Elestra didn't really know Pansy and Pansy didn't really know them.

"Why did you have to bring her Nicole?" Elestra huffed, crossing her arms while they were walking to the pub.

"Yeah. You should've at least asked us!" Isaac added, siding with Elestra.

"Look guys- I'm sorry but she asked me what I was doing this boring and- She had this hopeful look in her eyes and oh my god it was so cute..." Nicole tried to justify her actions, fumbling with her words. "I just couldn't say no to her.." She sighed dreamily thinking about Pansy.

"Woah. Nicole is that really you??" Isaac grabbed her shoulder. "No way! Am I seeing that shit right?? Is Nicole...." He glanced at Elestra, who glanced back.

"IN A COMMITED RELATIONSHIP???" They both chimed, bursting into laughter.

"Shut up guys, I'm serious about this-" Nicole playfully pushed them around, as they continued to mocking laugh at her. 


"Three butterbeers please" Elestra told the waiter, out of habit in the midst of talking with her friends. 

"Four." Nicole corrected, putting an arm around Pansy.

"Yeah. Four." Elestra nodded.

It was weird at first, with nobody knowing what to bring up since they all had different perspectives. But once a common topic was brought up, they couldn't stop talking.

As they found, Pansy wasn't too different from them. She had a decent sense of humour and she wasn't as mean as they thought.

"Yeah...and...this one time.." Nicole said between chuckles, chugging her butterbeer.

"Nicole! You're spilling that all over your clothes-" Pansy chastised, pulling out a napkin from her purse. Isaac and Elestra both went silent.

"Oh come on, Pans, I was just messing around-"

"If you keep messing around, your clothes will get all sticky and you'll complain for the rest of the day." She turned toward Nicole and patted her clothes with the napkin. 

Nicole watched her in awe. "My, you are like a nagging wife."

Pansy immediately blushed at that comment and put the napkin down. "Shut up. You should take care of yourself more."

Isaac and Elestra glanced at each other and looked back at the couple, fond of their relationship. They had never seen Nicole so in love with someone. 

"What are you lonely losers gaping at?" Nicole smirked, proudly. Pansy shyly smiled.

"Nothing at all. You two love birds can continue." Elestra teased, placing her arms on the table.

A few minutes later, when Pansy was telling a story, she accidently brought up something she shouldn't have. "And so, Crabbe and Goyle went to Draco's room-"

Elestra's heart dropped. While she was with her friends, she had completely forgotten about the boy until now. Nicole and Isaac looked at her eyes flicker, but she didn't say anything.

"and we found him writing a cute little letter" Pansy continued 

"For who?" Isaac asked.

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