Chapter Forty-One: Let's join the club!

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"Alright. We are leaving these holidays, pack your things and tell your parents you won't be home for a while." Elestra said, commandingly, writing a letter to her mum to be shipped. 

"Already prepared." Isaac said, pulling his cloak on.

"I'll do it the night before- I should be fine." Nicole kicked her legs up on the coffee table, opening a paper.

"Isaac it's on you to make sure she packs her stuff. We only have one week left..." Elestra signed the letter, closing it up to be shipped. "I'm going to create a plan to make sure everything goes in order... I think that would be best."

"What?" Isaac got up, "Why are you taking full charge? I thought we were doing this together."

Nicole chuckled, "Yeah, El, what's got you so excited?"

Elestra turned from the desk she was sitting on and thought about what to say. Maybe she was being too bossy.

Isaac scoffed, speaking in a  "She is probably wants to see her pretty little boyfriend."

Elestra glared at Isaac, despising the fact that her friend had even ASSOCIATED her with that jerk. "He isn't my boyfriend." She turned back and sealed her letter. "Besides, out of the both of you, I think I know the Malfoy's manner best, but if one of you guys have a better idea, go ahead and tell me."

"Of course you do, because you're his girlfriend, so you must know every little detail about him, don't you?" Isaac spat in a condescending tone.

Elestra got up, as if this was the last straw, "What's your problem? Why do you keep bringing that up? I USED to date him and now that's over. It was a big mistake and I regret it very much. Now please shut up."

"Why?" Isaac said, his voice quivering a bit. "Why did you date him?"

Elestra was surprised at the sudden seriousness. "I- I don't know. I was stupid. That doesn't matter right now...I just..." She stumbled around her words.

"What did you see in him?" Isaac mumbled to himself.

Elestra heard, but she pretended not to. She was afraid her answer would make her seem vulnerable. Not only to Isaac but also to herself. There were a lot of things she saw in him that she was afraid to tell other people. She didn't even tell him.


Soon enough, the day  of their departure had arrived. Of course, Nicole had forgotten to pack so the three of them were running around the dorm room at 3am at night trying to help Nicole pack everything up.  

Here they were, standing a few feet away from the manor, observing from afar. They had discussed a plan, a way to get in the house and a way to talk to them in a way that'll convince them that they are a part of them.

They were hiding in a bush when a lady with thick, shining black hair strutted to the door. Her flawless, pale skin glowing, highlighted by her prominent cheek bones.

Behind her, followed a tall blonde man Elestra had bumped into a few times. She despised him. A gush of wind passes by and his hair swayed as if he was in a loreal commercial. Elestra immediately felt jealous. 

You see, a few nights ago, Elestra had been staring at herself and feeling quiet bored and confused. She realised after Draco had left her she hadn't really that had that many chances to sob and cry. On her desk were a pair of scissors. There she sat, with scissors and her room mate's cosmetic mirror. 

And out of great impulse, she grabbed random pieces and snapped where ever she felt like it.

She thought she'd feel something when she cut her hair. She thought she'd grown an attachment to it, after all these years, the idea of cutting it without any thought or preparation always seemed a bit weird. But now- she didn't really care.

That night, just as she was examining her new look in the mirror, Nicole burst in.


Yet before she could answer Nicole continued, "I LOVE IT!" She rushed up to her and grabbed the scissors off the desk. "Here let me make some changes."

Elestra nodded as Nicole snapped off a bit from everywhere.

It was sort of odd. She liked her hair cut and didn't want to go back, but at the same time, she wished it was healthier. Oh what she would give for such beautiful moisture hair. Her dry mess was just chaotic.

After Lucius, came Draco, she couldn't see his face very well so she was craning her neck trying to see. Nicole caught onto this and smirked. "What are you looking for?" she whispered. Elestra's eye brows narrowed and she mumbled, "Nothing."

After a while, a few more darkly-dressed people showed up at the house and they were sure this was the meet up point.

That's when they decided to enter.


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