Chapter Thirty-Nine: Isaac and Elestra

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A few minutes later, Nicole arrived with some teachers and the school nurse to help Isaac. He was bleeding quite a bit.  They carried him back to Hogwarts and some of the teachers interrogated the people in the pub and Elestra.

The second she was free to leave the pub, she rushed out the door, spirting as fast as she could to the castle, in the snow. Every step felt like she was being dragged down by the earth. With large gasps of air, she raced through the castle walls, worried that her best friend could've possibly been badly injured or worse; died.

She skid across the hallway, and finally reached the infirmary, hanging on the door frame she caught her breath. Scanning the empty beds and noticing a dark-haired male sleeping soundly. Next to him, sat the nurse, Poppy Pomfrey who was noting something down on her clip-board.

She turned to see Elestra hanging on the door frame, soaking wet from the rain. Madam Pomfrey rolled her eyes. "Oh for lord's sake, don't be dramatic, he's not dead."

Elestra nodded and ushered into the room close to him. Madam Pomfrey looked her up and down disapprovingly. "You're soaking wet, if you catch a cold-" 

"Sorry." Elestra cut her off. She was not a big fan of being told off, she wringed her shirt and the water dripped down her hand to the floor, creating a small puddle.

Pomfrey looked astonished, all-most offended. "I HAD JUST GOTTEN THE FLOORS CLEANED!" 

"Okay, okay I get it, will he be awake soon?" She said impatiently, standing beside the bed.

"Come back tomorrow. The wound was deep and  the medicine side effects would cause him to be in great need of rest."

She sighed and followed the nurse's instructions, a burning hate for death eaters in her gut.


Isaac opened his eyes, his head hurting slightly and his ribs tingling. He adjusted his eyes to the light and noticed he was in a hospital bed. He prompted himself on his elbows, and saw someone hunched over, sleeping on their arms, right beside him. He could tell by her dark hair it was Elestra. He shifted a bit and rubbed his eyes. 

The movement woke her up and she sat up, yawning and stretching her arms. Elestra saw him and her face lit up. She smiled and threw her arms around him, hugging him tightly.

This affection made him a slight tinge of pink appear on his cheek. He returned the embrace and rest his head on her shoulder.

"Thank god you're okay!" She broke away from the hug and sat back on the stool.

Isaac just smiled giddily, not knowing what to say, and then he remembered. "Is Nicole alright?"

Elestra nodded. "She is set on getting revenge on the death eaters..." she looked around to check if anyone was listening, and then leaned in closer, "We are planning on getting back into Dumbledore's army."

Isaac's eyes widened. "What?! Elestra it's TOO dangerous. Especially with the death eaters going around."

"Shh. You're too loud...come on Isaac, if we don't do something the Voldemort will take over."

Isaac couldn't believe what she was saying. He loved her but she was talking nonsense. They were just kids. They can't change the world.


Elestra looked around the hallway, trying to find her next class. She was so confused. Everything seemed the same. It was all so scary for her. She was only 10 and she didn't understand anything about the wizarding world.

She apparently had potions but she had no idea where she was going. It was in the dungeons but she couldn't find the stairs to them and was lost in some hallway. She was pissed. Why weren't the maps easier to read? This whole school was trash and everyone else was trash with it. 

She gave up looking for the dungeons. Elestra found the nearest bench and planted herself there, pouting. Who the frick did the school think it was?! How dare the stairs randomly change to strand Elestra in a rotten hallway? 'Stupid hallway. Stupid school. Stupid directions..' she mumbled. 

"Hey! Are you okay!" Someone said in a cheerful voice, standing in front of her. They hooked their head around to take a look at Elestra's expression, who was glaring at the ground.

She was a bit intimidated. She gulped, "I-I'm lost. I don't know where the potions class is.."  Elestra kicked her legs up and down, anxiously, slowly looking up at the boy who looked to be about her age. His chocolate brown hair shining lightly reflecting the afternoon sun from nets of a window. His presence was almost angelic.

The boy grinned, "I'm going down to the chambers too! Do you want to come with me?"

She thought about it for a second. Her mother did tell her about stranger danger...but it was either being kidnapped or facing a very angry Snape. She choose to live.

So she nodded and followed him down to the chambers. Elestra was quite and shy as she was new to this place and she didn't know him. 

"Oh. So you are in Gryffindor?"  The boy began, trying to start conversation.

"Yes. I am.."

"I forgot to introduce myself! I'm  Isaac Roberts."

"Nice to meet you I'm Elestra Ellington."  She said politely, looking around as they were walking, trying to memorise the way.

"Nice to meet you too...and here we the potions room. Seems like you're a bit late but at least you won't miss class, right?"

After that day, the two become tightest of friends. Isaac was fascinated by muggles ever since he talked to Elestra. She would tell him about all the things that were different  between the two groups and he'd always be interested. Coming from a family of both wizard parents, he never really got to explore the other side. Elestra even once invited his family over to her house.

The Roberts were the kindest people ever and when Elestra's mum met them, she was overjoyed. Since her mum worked so often, she hardly had time to socialise so every now and then, The Roberts would come and visit her for tea, only making Elestra and Isaac become closer friends. Even Nicole's parents joined in from time to time. (But they lived a bit far so it wasn't so often)

Isaac had really liked Elestra for the longest of time. He thought she was charming, funny and beautiful. Yet he could never really bring up the courage to tell her. He hated the thought of being rejected and Thomas did NOT like the fact that his friend would date his sister.

And every time he got close to telling her, he always backed away. He had a feeling there was someone else. Someone that was not him.


Lmk if you guys want more Isaac and Elestra stuff. I can go into more detail of what they been through and stuff but if its boring I won't bother. We are all here for one man after all ;) 

Also lmk if you guys want to see what Draco is doing rn, im kinda focusing on Elestra but I dont mind doing a chapter or two on what ferret boy is upto.  Thanks~

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Stay tuned~

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