Chapter Thirty-Two: The Bathroom incident

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Draco's goal was simple. He had to do two things to satisfy the dark lord. Number One: Kill Dumbledore and Two: Fix the vanishing cabinet to let the other death eaters in. His first attempt at killing Dumbledore had clearly failed- and it brought his spirits down by a bit. All though it seemed like nobody had caught on to him yet, Potter had always been suspicious of Malfoy.

It would've been fine if anyone else had thought wrong of him, but Harry had influence. He could convince anyone to be on his side and people would believe him as he was the chosen one. And once he gets caught- would anyone even be on his side? All these thoughts overwhelmed him and he felt a lump in his throat. It worsened when he made eye-contact with Harry at breakfast. He rushed out the room in a hurry before he'd embarrass himself in front of the entire school. The boy scurried to the boys bathroom which he assumed was empty and leaned over the sink. He coughed and let out his cries. He burst into tears that he felt like he'd been holding in for centuries. 

At this point, he didn't know what he was crying over. His father hated him, his aunt always told him how pathetic he was, he himself didn't think he was good enough, he felt guilty over not appreciating his mother enough and the burden of betraying Elestra's trust dawned on him. Not to mention this stupid scar that stung all the time. He had tried to wash it off- scrubbing his arm with soap until it bled, leaving smaller scratches all around. Every second, every day of class, his scar would burn and sting but he had to pretend like it was nothing just so nobody suspected him. 

It was all so exhausting it made him wish he never existed. He wanted to end it all. But he couldn't. He couldn't because he was afraid of what Voldemort could do to his mother. He savoured the thought of dying himself but couldn't bare it when it was about the people he loved. After all, he brought this upon himself. It was all his fault. He was to blame for accepting the task. But who was he wasn't like he could've said no.

Draco wished he was a better person. A better son, a better classmate, a better boyfriend. He just wanted to be good. No matter what side, he just wanted to be good.

There were so many things that had been clouding his mind and so many emotions that were bottled. It was hard to contain so much of it.

Unfortunately, to his surprise, Harry had followed him into the bathroom. Out of shock and pure rage, Draco attacked him with a spell and Harry defended himself, bolting to take cover. Draco hid behind the large sink. The bathroom went silent. Only the sound of the lone running tap rang in the two boys' ears. 

Harry attacked but Draco deflected, fearing for his life, Harry used the first spell that came to his head. 'Sectumsempra' It was the spell he had read in The Half-blood Prince's potions book- it was for enemies. He thought it wouldn't do as much harm but...he was so wrong.

When he turned, he saw Draco, on the bathroom floor, in excruciating pain, blood seeping through his white shirt and dissolving into the water. 

At this time, Elestra was just walking past the bathroom and she noticed the platinum blonde hurt on the floor. Shocked, she hurried into the bathroom, regardless of it being for males and slumped on the wet floor next to him. She elevated his body on to her lap. And her eyes darted around the scene.

"HARRY! WHAT ON EARTH DID YOU DO TO HIM?!" she yelled, furiously, her voice croaking slightly. 

Harry was speechless. He could not believe how much harm he'd done to a student. He hardly had any proof. Guilt swooned over Harry as Elestra tried to do something to stop the bleeding.

Snape had also come across the scene and acted fast. He performed some wordless spell and the blood seemed to wash away. Draco coughed a bit, finally being able to get up. Snape glanced at Elestra, who seemed traumatised by just witnessing her close friend all most DIE. Snape ignored her face and told her to get back to class before he issues her with a detention.

She got up and glared at Harry. She was still a bit unsure of what happened between them, she assumed it was his fault. Draco was still on the floor, shaken up by the incident and breathing heavily. He was just glad he was alive. All though death seemed liked the perfect getaway for Draco, there was NO WAY he was getting killed by pathetic Mr. Potter. How embarrassing would that be!

He looked around the bathroom and saw Elestra walking out.

"Detention for both of you, Malfoy and Potter...Follow me into my office at once!" Snape closed them off and strutted away like he usually did. Little did he know, Elestra was hiding behind a pillar, waiting for Snape to leave.

First came Harry, he was stunned by what he had just done. The boy looked at Elestra who seemed...disappointed? No, she seemed sort of afraid of him.

Draco walked out behind, Harry, fixing his tie. Elestra, who was very much startled and thought that was the end of him, leapt into his arms and hugged him tight. Malfoy was surprised at first but then just accepted it. He stroked her head like he usually did.

Elestra let go of him and let out a breathe. "What HAPPENED in there?"

Draco cleared his throat, trying to come up with a straight answer. "Nothing...we just got into a bit of an argument-"

"An argument that all most cost you your LIFE?" Elestra seemed a little distressed.

"Ahem." It was Snape, leering behind them, "Mr. Malfoy. My office I said, AT ONCE."  Malfoy scoffed, "Ms. Ellington. Do you wish to go back to your class? Or would you rather me issuing you with a detention?"

"S-sorry sir," Elestra stammered, hurrying out of the hallway before she got in trouble.


Well that was a lot- I wonder how long it is before Elestra finds out Draco's little secret. 

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Stay tuned~

Thanks for reading this fair! I'll be publishing a chapter once a week. Sorry for the inconsistent uploads, ill try my best :')

!Also! Character Aesthetics are now posted on chapter one so go check that out! ByE

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