Chapter Twenty-Two: Summer Holidays

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After a long fifth year filled with boring classes and very confusing potions assignments, summer had finally arrived. The wind had changed and the air felt crisp.

Summer holidays were starting that Saturday and everyone was ready to go home. Elestra was sitting on top of the small wall surrounding the courtyard. Draco was right next to her. They were both just talking about life and how boring school can get. 

"I realised I never asked you, when's your birthday?" Elestra randomly asked.

"June 5th..."

Elestra thought for a moment, "Wait...what's today's date?!"

"Hm.. June 16th I think..." 

"NO! Damn it, I missed your birthday.." She began kicking her legs up and down restlessly.

"Oh, you don't have to worry about it- it was nothing big..." he smiled at her. Elestra's heart stopped every time she saw him smile genuinely. It was such a rare but pretty sight. 

"no, it is a big deal. You're birthday only comes once a year...I'm so upset I missed it..."

"Oh come on Elestra, it wasn't that special..." Draco smiled to himself a bit and thought about how pathetic he sounded saying this, "...even my father didn't send me a letter this year..."

Elestra looked at his forced smile, and huffed, "he's not a very good dad is he?" then she realised how mean and insensitive that sounded. 

"Nah, he's okay. He'd probably wish me when I get home day after tomorrow.." 

"Yeah, sorry, that was a bit mean... but anyway, do you want to go for walk? We could go to the Quidditch field or something..."


The next day the students were going to leave for home. Elestra had backed up her stuff and was about to leave. But there was just one thing left to do. She grabbed her trunk and just before she left for the train, she had to say good bye to Malfoy who was waiting for her near the courtyard, where they always sit. 

"Aren't you leaving with the train?" Elestra finally asked upon seeing him.

"No, not this year... my mother is coming to pick me up- she said she had some important business to talk about with me." He said awkwardly, looking at his shoes.

"" Elestra reached into her pocket for something, "Here, this is for you," she pulled out a small, cute, pastel blue box with a white ribbon, tied into a pretty little bow. She handed it to him. "It's your birthday present... I know it's not much but, it's something... oh yeah and that also counts as your payment for saving me...multiple times-"

Draco fiddled with the box curiously, "Aww, Thanks a lot Ellington, what's in it?" 

"Open it to find out," Elestra grinned.

He opened the box to find a bunch of homemade cookies. 

"My mum sent them to me yesterday... She always sent the same cookies at the end of every year. I thought I'd give them to you, they are really good." Elestra explained. 

"They look great," Draco said taking a bite out of one and giving one to Elestra, "They taste great too!" He seemed delighted. 

Elestra took a bite out of hers and mumbled, "I'm glad you like it, I'm sorry it's not much...I just thought I'd do something-" Elestra was cut off by a warm hug Draco had pulled her into. She was startled at first but then melted into his arms. 

"This means a lot Elestra, it's the best gift I've got this year, seriously." Draco muttered. 

"I'm gonna miss you over the summer..."

"I'll miss you too.."


It was a mid July's afternoon in England and it was a hot, lazy day. Elestra was with her muggle friends, hanging out on a lonesome basketball court. She was sitting on a curb, staring at the ground, wearing a small bucket-hat and sipping on a cold box of apple juice. There were around five of them. All kids from Elestra's neighbourhood she'd been friends with in elementary- before she got her letter to Hogwarts. Spencer, one of Elestra's friends was repeatedly tossing a basketball through the hoops. Her other friend, Lexy, was trying her best to master a trick on her skateboard, failing miserably. They weren't really talking much, they were just lost in their own thoughts, occasionally starting a conversation. (think mid 90s skater teenager vibes :P)

Elestra was almost finished her juice box when she looked to see a familiar figure near the house adjacent to the court.  

She realised who it was and got up. The figure noticed her and was kind of surprised. She waved at him. "I'll be back..." she muttered to her friends and jogged up to the house.


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