Chapter Twenty: Umbridge ruins everything.

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Since the students at Hogwarts were required to do 'ministry approved' classes in DATDA, which were hardly any help, they were vulnerable and in danger. The classes taught them nothing about the dark arts, barely learning to defend themselves. With Lord Voldemort back, the students need a way to learn how to save themselves and their friends in a dangerous situation.   Harry Potter and his friends had gathered a few trusty friends to teach them some advanced defensive spells in the room of requirement. 

"Expecto Patronum!" Nicole tried for the first time, trying to get her patronus charm to work. 

"It's not that hard, Nico" Elestra interrupted her. She'd already mastered the spell with ease.

"Ugh, I don't want to do this anymore, can't we go back?" Nicole slumped down discouraged.

"Aw, come on, we can't go back now, besides, you're probably just mad that I'm better than you!" Elestra exclaimed cheerfully, getting Nicole fired up.

"oh yeah? we'll see about that!"

The students thought they couldn't get caught. They tried their best to stay secretive and made sure nobody knew where they were going and where they'd been. However, once one gets too comfortable, they'll start being less cautious.   

Just when the students thought they were safe, the wall unexpectedly burst open with Umbridge, Filch and a few Slytherins on the other side. Everyone was shocked. Umbridge was satisfied she had proof and was ready to punish these students. Draco was aloof, standing behind them and observing the scene. His eyes paused when they met Elestra's. She looked surprised and angry and the same time. 

"Aha! I knew it!" Umbridge called.


The ministry discussed that Dumbledore could no longer be trusted as a good headmaster and he would have to leave so Umbridge could take over. This was devastating news. Nobody and I mean NOBODY  liked Umbridge. She was picky about each and every rule and she made sure every class was as boring as ever.


When Elestra saw Draco in the hallway that day she shot him an angry and disapproving glare which made it clear she didn't want to speak with him. 

Draco felt guilty about ratting them out but he knew there was nothing he could've done to take it back. He wanted to apologise to Elestra. Finally, things had started to go well for him but he really had to go mess it all up. Draco had started to believe she liked him back too, and unfortunately, he didn't think so anymore. Why did things have to go this way? There was no way he could talk to make it okay...could it? No, there was no way. He should just forget anything ever happened and go back to trying to be the best.


The next few days where dull, the liveliness that was usually present around the castle had disappeared and people were just afraid of breaking the rules. Hogwarts and magic lost it's fun and charm with everyone being under surveillance. Elestra was mad at Draco. He ratted them out. It was his fault they had to serve in detention and write lines. 

One Saturday, Umbridge called Elestra to her office. "Miss. Ellington...I need to ask you something..."

Elestra glared at her as she wrote something down on her clipboard, "Yes, Professor Umbridge?"

"It has been brought to my attention that some 6th year students are hiding forbidden items. Those students include your brother and Isaac Roberts both of whom I know you are close with." Umbridge was still looking at the clipboard in her hand.

"..." Elestra stayed silent.

"Do you know anything?" Umbridge seemed to be getting suspicious. 

"No." Elestra lied. But she knew. Her brother and Isaac were hiding non-magic first-aid items somewhere near Hagrid's hut. They were planning on using them on the people who got hurt and punished by Umbridge.

"Very well. I want you to go find out for me, then." Umbridge said which made Elestra confused and angry.

"What? No, I'm not doing that! You think I'm going to help you hurt my brother and friend?" She spat out. Umbridge was taken back. Elestra started regretting what she said.

"I knew it. You do know something." Umbridge mumbled and Elestra started to get restless. She clenched her book bag and took a few steps back.

"Sure. You can say that. But I'm NOT telling you anything, old woman!" Umbridge looked even more offended now. Her face started to boil. As Elestra backed up against the door she saw Crabbe and Goyle.

"Give her the truth serum!" Umbridge squealed as Crabbe and Goyle grabbed her by the arms.

"HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Elestra cried as she squirmed around, trying to escape, "WHAT ON EARTH IS WRONG WITH YOU GUYS?!"

Crabbe pulled a small bottle of liquid out of his pocket and force fed it to Elestra she compelled and tried to spit it out but it was too late. 

"Now, tell me... Where are they hiding the First-Aid equipment," Umbridge sounded delighted.

Elestra tried to hold back but the words came out like vomit. She couldn't stop herself. Once she finished, Goyle dropped her and Elestra caught her breath.

Umbridge sauntered up to her drawer and searched for something while she said, "I hope you know, Miss. Ellington... lying to authority is a great offence." she pulled out a fancy carving knife and smiled at Elestra who's eyes were drowned with fear. 

Umbridge made her way towards her and grabbed her arm. Observing it thirstily for a while. Then, she slowly dug the knife in her arm and opened a cut. Elestra winced and looked away, trying her best not to wail. She bit her tongue to try holding in the pain. Umbridge left a fresh, 4 inch long, kind of deep, vertical cut on Elestra's arm. She gulped her sorrow and flung open the door and left for her dormitory. There were tears in her eyes but she tried to stay calm.


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