Chapter Thirty-Eight: Attack on Hogsmade

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It was all so sweet when they were talking about their past experiences with Draco. It made Elestra finally feel comfortable with loosing him. She understood that he was a bad influence on her life, but he made good stuff happen too. Though she hated him, she could still understand why he had done what he had done and she thought he wasn't so monstrous after all.

That feeling lasted 3 minutes.

As they were talking and drinking butterbeer, the door to the pub flung open.

Three people wearing dark cloaks, stormed inside, they made sure to make as much noise as possible, alerting everyone in the pub. They all had their wands ready and they were yelling.

Elestra, Isaac and Nicole got under the table but Pansy stayed in her chair, terror shaded her eyes as she sat there, frozen. One of the people in the cloaks approached her,

"Expelliarmus" Nicole drew her wand immediately. Unfortunately, the person in the cloak was more experienced. They dodged the spell and grabbed Pansy's shoulder and looked up at them. She knew what was happening- she expected this to happen sooner or later. But she didn't want it to happen. Not after she thought she had finally found her happiness. She took a deep breath, and with apparition, the two were gone. Nicole yelled in agony, as Pansy disappeared and shot an aimless attack at the person in the black cloak nearest to her.

The person got furious and shot back, they missed. Isaac pushed her out of the way and defended. Nicole felt her temple throbbing from frustration. She couldn't think straight. Elestra jumped in and started fighting too. They stood in a two-way formation with Nicole in the middle. They had a feeling Nicole would have a hard time fighting after seeing her girlfriend just be snatched away.

Elestra shot a stunning spell at one of the people. They deflected. The person shot some wordless spell that stung her right in the arm. The jacket that she was wearing was torn, revealing a deep gash filled with fresh blood. She cursed under her breath. Her first idea was to avada-kadabra this mother fucker right off the face of the earth for ruining her favourite jacket. But she repressed. If she had murder on her records, there was NO WAY she could get into a good college. She grabbed the glass of butter beer next to her, and threw it at the person. 

No, she didn't just pour the drink.

She YEETED the whole mug at their face. Unfortunately, she was a bit short and the glass shattered right next to them, making them loose balance and fall over. Their wand rolled underneath the table as they fumbled on the ground.

She was disappointed, to say the least.  So she did what any other angry, violent and heart broken teenager would do.

She walked up to them, calmly, and stood towering above them. When she made eye-contact with the person, who seemed PETRIFIED, she smirked.

And then she grabbed the nearest chair, and smashed right over their head.

"Oops- looks like you got a little splinter there-" She joked, wiping the sweat off her forehead.

"ELESTRA! STOP MESSING ROUND' AND HELP ME, DUMBASS!" Isaac called out from a heated match with a seemingly very experienced person in cloak. Elestra turned straight around and hurried toward Isaac.

The person who she had hurt very badly, snatched their wand off the ground and signalled the other one, disappearing, just like they did with Pansy.

Isaac, Elestra and the other person noticed this, but the enemy reacted quicker. They caught Isaac off guard and shot an unknown spell at him. And as soon as he was down, the enemy disapparated. He yelled in agony and grabbed his rib which was stinging and collapsed. 

Worried, Elestra fell on her knees to aid him. She lifted his shirt which was now covered in blood.

"Those bastards." She cursed, holding him in her arms. Isaac coughed. Even the slightest movement in his torso would hurt him. "Nicole, go get help! I'll stay here with him," he commanded urgently, afraid of the outcome. He hugged him tight. "It'll be okay, don't worry" she muttered in his ear, while paranoid that it might not. He groaned as blood continued to gush out. Elestra placed her palm gently under the wound as it soaked up the blood. It was still warm.

As Isaac lay in her lap, he glanced up at her. Seeing her worry for him made him feel content. Though he didn't want her to worry, he was glad she cared. He saw a lone tear escape her dark eyes and trickle down her face. With the little strength he had, he extended his blood-covered hand and held her face. She grabbed his hand over, and held it tight, reassuringly. Isaac smiled, closing his eyes.


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