Chapter Forty-Five: Let's go shopping!

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Elestra woke up at around 9am the next morning. For a second she was surprised to be waking up next to Draco. But then she remembered what happened last night.

They didn't do anything.

They couldn't with Isaac and Nicole sleeping right next door- not that they wanted to. She's still mad at him remember?

He was facing her curled up, one hand under the pillow and the other over it, supporting his head.  Elestra examined his face. His features were defined and he seemed so peaceful sleeping. The eye bags she saw last time she'd seen him where still there. Elestra couldn't believe someone could look so ethereal while sleeping. She realised she had to stop admiring his face and got up. It would've been less awkward if she just left and pretended it never happened.

She went to the guestroom shower and got dressed for the day. She wore regular black jeans, and a band tee she probably stole from her brother, and a full sleeve shirt as a jacket. They were planning on going out  to town to "get materials for propaganda merch."

She down to the dining room of the house where the house elves set up breakfast. Like Draco said, mostly the teens where home the more serious death eaters would return in the evening. At the dinning table, sat Isaac with a cup of coffee, reading the daily prophet.  He always woke early; unlike Nicole. "Good Morning." Elestra mumbled sitting down next to him. He put the paper down and smiled, "Good morning. Are you ready for today?"

"Mhm. Do you have the designs?" Elestra was asking for designs they had made for clothing and posters to make the death eaters believe them. Simultaneously, they had been writing notes on everyone and everything. Today, they were planning on sending them off.

Isaac flipped through a note book that was next to him, as if he had just been working on them. Elestra sat next to him and leaned in to examine the designs. They talked and joked about them on the dinning table drawing doodles around the sketches for fun.

Draco had woken up feeling giddy because of what happened the night before. He quickly showered and got ready. With his hair still slightly wet, he made his way to the dinning room, prepared to greet Elestra with a smile. 

But when he got there his heart suddenly sank. He saw Elestra and Isaac sitting close. Too close. She was laughing with a pencil in hand, drawing something on the book while Isaac was trying to make her stop while also laughing. Draco stopped in his tracks and watched them. Isaac looked up and his smile dropped. He glared at Draco before ignoring him completely. He turned to Elestra, ran his fingers through her hair. "Hey, I think your hair is growing after your great chop,"

Elestra grinned thinking not much of it. "Really? I'm glad, hopefully it grows less choppy!"

"Yeah it looks good." Isaac hoped she didn't notice Draco.

"Thanks your hair looks great too," She exclaimed ruffling his hair before going back to the note book.

Anger and sadness filled his heart, Draco decided to have breakfast later and went to his room. (Probably listening to juicewrld or something🙄 #sadboihours)

When the adults returned, Nicole had just woken up. They begged them to let the three of them go out to town with a supervisor. Voldemort had been in a good mood and he really liked the designs so he let them go. They asked to go to a muggle store because it was cheaper and had more variety. A few were sceptical but since their budget was low, Voldemort didn't care. He made Draco go with them. 

Draco put on a black suit like always but Elestra looked disapprovingly. "There's no way you are wearing that to the muggle world." Isaac agreed.

Nicole chuckled, "You have bad taste in fashion, dude bro. Let US help you." She grabbed Draco's elbow, grinning maliciously. 

"Isaac, we are borrowing your closet." Elestra said, leading everyone to Isaac's room excitedly. 

After trying out a bunch of things, they settled on a graphic tee shirt and flannel for the top. And a belt and loose faded black jeans for the bottom. It was out of his comfort zone, but Draco kind of liked it. 

"YESSSS HE LOOKS SO CUTE" Elestra gushed, and made him spin around to see the whole fit. Draco blushed. He liked validation from her.

And then, they were ready to hit the store. Bellatrix was their supervisor because she wanted to see how the muggle stores worked. 

When they got there, Nicole distracted Bellatrix by showing her to a fancy clothing store and making her try on dresses. She even got hit on by the co-workers. I mean who could blame that guy Bellatrix may be evil but she's kinda really hot. 

Anyway, Elestra went to a designated store where she handed a pocket notebook to one of Dumbledore's army members when nobody was looking. The notebook with all the information on the death eaters. They got plain white tshirts, caps, coloured fabric and other materials to make stuff. 

The whole time Draco nervously followed Elestra everywhere at this new setting. 

When she was looking at sizes for some shirts, Draco was on the other side of the clothing rack. A trio of girls looking around their age walked up to him, giggling.

"Hey!" The middle one said, grabbing his attention.

"Um Hi." Draco cleared his throat, scared looking around for Elestra.

"Are you from here? You look so nervous" One of them said, laughing.

Draco laughed nervously. "N-No?"

"So what's your name?" The girl asked.

"Draco. Draco Malfoy."

"Weird name, but you're kinda cute, wanna hang out with us if you have nothing to do?" A girl said, twirling hair between her fingers.

Elestra's ears perked up. "No way." She mumbled under her breathe. And pretended to wander over to them. The other girls noticed her and straightened up. Elestra smoothly grazed her fingers on Draco's elbow, down to his hand and intertwined her fingers around his. "Are you ready to go?" She smiled innocently looking up at him. Draco felt his heart leap and do flips.

"Oh- I am SO sorry. I didn't know-" The middle girl said apologetically.

"That's okay." Elestra said politely, kind of feeling guilty.

"Yeah, you're really pretty, you guys go well together." The other girl said, making Elestra smile ear to ear. They were so sweet. The girls left and Draco was silent the entire time. The second they left, Elestra dropped his hand and went back to what she was doing.

"Wait-" He grabbed her hand again. "Why did you-"

"I did you a favour. I assumed you would hate muggles based on how you're a part of a muggle-born hating cult." Elestra looked at him with hurt in her eyes and dropped his hand.

"Are you kidding me?" Draco had had enough. He slammed his hand next to her, pinning her to a wall. "Do you even try to understand me, Elestra?"

"Wha-" She was surprised of this sudden action.

"Listen, I'm sorry for everything I did but I can't help it, okay? If I don't do this my parents will hate me and Voldemort will kill me. I don't know if you hate me or like me but I want you to know that I really like you, and really care about you but for some reason you just won't listen and-" He ranted breathlessly.

Elestra tried her best to understand his perspective. She got it. She understood. But for some reason, she was petty. She was mad he suddenly left her and didn't tell her a thing. "I don't hate you." she mumbled looking down at the ground, embarrassed.

He raised an eyebrow, "You don't?"

She sighed and put her arms around him, pulling him closer. pressing the side of his face on his chest. Draco was a bit shocked, but happy. He hugged her back, feeling relived. 

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