Chapter Thirty Four: Suspicion

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The next few days went by the same. They hung out bit by bit. The guilt of what he had to do next building slowly on Draco. Today was the day. He had finally figured out how he could get the death eaters through the vanishing cabinet. 

It was time to murder the head master.


When you put it that way it sounds kinda mean. And if Draco was honest, it was kind of mean. But it wasn't like he had a choice. Plus, the old mans gotta die some day.

Draco was nervous. Not about messing up, but of getting caught. If he got caught his entire life could be ruined. If Voldemort didn't win he'd have to rot in jail for the rest of his life. Draco didn't know if it was the right choice.

Elestra was minding her own business, eating a sandwich that day, when Thomas approached her. "Elestra. We need to talk."

"Ok, talk." Elestra bluntly, said, not being bothered to care as she had other things to do.

Thomas looked around the great hall, Elestra's class mates where sitting around and he didn't need them listening in.

"Get up and follow me outside." He instructed. Thomas was bossy. Elestra hated being bossed around. Yet, she didn't want to cause a commotion in front of everyone so she did as he said. She took the sandwich with her though.

Outside of the great hall, Thomas took a deep breathe and let out, "Are you dating Malfoy?" 

Elestra was stunned by this question. They'd agree to keep it a secret to avoid rumours and judgement from their peers. Thomas was the last person she expected to find out. She realised there was no point avoiding the question.

"Yeah. How did you know?"

Thomas was surprised. He had hoped it was just a rumour. "WHAT? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?? WHY??"

Elestra looked like she took offence. "Why? WHY NOT? He's a nice guy."


"SO WHAT?! I told you, he's a nice guy and he really does care for me!"

Thomas lowered his voice  a bit, "Haven't you heard the rumours? He's...they say his father-"

"I know. I know it all but...he isn't like that. He's different I promise." She tried hard to convince him.

"I don't know if you've heard but... the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I just don't think he's good for you." Thomas' tone changed.

"How do you know what's good for me? You don't even know him that well." She was getting restless by the moment.

"Remember that one time when you had a fight with him and you were bleeding? Yeah, that's how I know. He's not a good guy. Have you ever seen his left arm?"

Elestra was hurt. She trusted Draco. There was no way. But when she thought about it, she hadn't seen his left arm. He wore full-sleeves all year round. This was ridiculous. Thomas is probably just blinded by the rumours. This happens all the time. It's alright. This is probably just a misunderstanding. "No..but-" Elestra stammered.

"But what? Listen, I just want you to be safe. I don't care who you date but if he ever hurts you, tell me, okay?" Thomas smiled smally. She nodded. He went back to his table, and Elestra stood outside. Thinking what she should do next.

Ms Sinstra, the astronomy teacher, saw her and thought she had nothing important to do, "Excuse me, Elestra, if you're not busy, would you please fetch some tests for me from my desk? You know where they are."

Elestra realised she had nothing better to do and needed to clear her mind so she obeyed. 

She climbed up the stairs and noticed Draco looking out at the grounds, seeming pensive. When she saw him, she remembered what Thomas had said and felt a deep worry down in her stomach. 

Draco was alert when he heard footsteps and turned straight away. He seemed relieved to see her but Elestra was cautious.

"Oh. It's just you."  He let out a breathe, as if he was anticipating something... like a signal..

"Yeah. What were you doing out her?" She said, trying to seem casual.

"Oh nothing...I was just pondering..." he gave her a tired smile.

Seeing his sleepy eyes made her mad, "did you sleep last night?"

He looked down at the ground.

"Are you serious? I told you to stop hanging around that old room of requirement and get some rest for once!" Her tone changed to chastising and a bit irritated. "What do you even do in there!?"

"It's something I have to do for my father. It's nothing for you to worry about. Why do you even care if I slept or not?" He was starting to get angry too. All this commanding from everyone around him telling him what to do, was building up on him.


"I AM LISTENING!" Draco let out a breathe and realised he was going too far. Arguing with Elestra would just make everything worse. "I'm sorry, but this is really important, this could finally prove my worth to my dad."

Elestra was more than satisfied and very thankful of this calm response. "YEAH! YOU BETTER BE SORRY! Gosh will you at least tell me what's so important! Perhaps I can help you?"

"It's complicated....I doubt you'll be able to help me, Elestra." Draco grazed his hand over his inner left arm, which was stinging rapidly- more than usual. 

Elestra noticed this. Now more than ever. She would always see him inching his arm but never thought much of it, until now. Harry and Thomas had put doubts in her mind that she just couldn't shake off. "What's up with your arm?


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Stay tuned~

Thanks for reading this far! I'm SOoOOoO sorry for how long this chapter took! I'm REALLLLYYY happy you guys actually this! Thank you so much for 1.4k+ reads! It means so much to me that you guys are adding this to your reading lists and voting on it! Let me know what you think of the story so far!

I promise to not keep you waiting this long again, I'll do my best to upload consistently! 

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