Chapter Twelve: Malfoy's Girlfriend: Heather Lancaster

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The next day, Elestra Ellington was making her way out of the library when she bumped heads with Heather Lancaster. Heather was one of the nicest Slytherins you would've ever met. She was polite and generous. Puberty seemed to have worked in Heather's favour as she completely changed over the summer. With gorgeous, rosy blonde hair cascading over her flawless pale skin, it was almost impossible not to fall for her pearly white smile and pretty blue eyes. 

"Good morning Elestra!" Heather said cheerfully. 

"Hey, Heather, how was summer?" Elestra wished to start a brief conversation to not seem rude.

"It was wonderful! I feel like a totally new person!" 

"Ah, you look like a totally new person!" Elestra joked. Heather giggled.

Draco Malfoy had appeared from behind them and put his arm around Heather.

"Hey Draco," Heather looked up and elevated herself on her toes pecking Draco Malfoy on his lips.

"Hey." He replied abruptly and then glared at Elestra. Elestra felt like her presence was disturbing them. 

"See you in potions then, Heather." Elestra clenched her books tighter and rushed out of the room.   


"Can you believe it?" Elestra scoffed, peering out the window in her Advanced Astronomy class with Nicole. 

"What?" Nicole asked, not looking up from her textbook where she had been trying to unfold an equation and understand the concept. 

"Look at Malfoy and Lancaster. Aren't they a nice couple?" Elestra sarcastically spat out. 

"Gosh, why so salty? It's not like we should care anyway," Nicole replied, getting up and looking out the window too. Heather and Draco were hugging and cuddling underneath the tree Elestra had been sitting under the year before. 

"I know...but...Heather is too sweet for him...he doesn't deserve her," 

"Oh Don't worry, they will soon break up after she finds out what a dick Malfoy is," Nicole grinned. 

Elestra tried to seem unfazed but the same words kept repeating in her head. I wish I were Heather. (Shameless Conan Gray reference)

"Yeah, you got that right, let's go, we got Defence Against the Dark arts with Umbridge."


After listening to Professor Umbridge's ridiculously strict rules, Elestra felt like her eyes were going to lock shut any moment now. 

"Bet you four knuts this monstrosity of a Karen puts at least fifteen tea spoons of sugar in her tea." Nicole whispered to Elestra who forced back a laugh and covered her face. 

"You got something to say there Miss Winford?" Umbridge called out from the front of the class. They both shook their heads. "I suppose you two aren't the best seating pair then," She said, crossing her arms and scanning the class. Her eyes stopped and Draco and Heather. "You two seem a bit too close..." Umbridge mumbled with a disgusted look on her face, "Move. You, go sit at the back." Heather sunk her head down and moved all the way to the back off the class, swapping seats with Elestra, who was required to sit up front with Malfoy. She sighed and gathered her books, dreading sitting that prune of a boy.

Elestra perched next to Draco and the uneasiness between them rose. 

"Now that everyone has settled, copy down these notes I wrote on the board,"

Elestra opened her notebook and brought out her quill, starting to note down the things from the board.

"Ministry approved classes? Pathetic. I wonder what my father thinks about this," Malfoy scoffed, leaning back on his chair. 

"Nobody cares 'bout your father, Malfoy, stop complaining and do your work," Elestra mentioned, earning a snort from him. 

"You cared enough to say that, mudblood," Draco snarled.

"Can you not go five minutes without a racist remark?" Elestra snapped back.

"Can you not go five minutes without being annoying?" Draco mocked.

"What's your problem Malfoy? Are you mad you can't suck your girlfriend's face this class?" Elestra felt the air getting tense.

"At least I am capable of getting someone to like me!" Draco sneered.

"Oh really? I assumed you black mailed her, you dirty little cockroach-" Elestra was cut off by a high-pitched voice. 

"Students! I believe I have given you enough time to copy down the notes! I will pass some hand outs and I want you to practise these flashcards with a partner." Umbridge called out from the front of the class, clenching small pieces of parchment.

Heather's hand shot up in the air, "Will we be choosing our partners?" 

"No. Just work with the person next to you." The professor was quick to shut her down. Many students didn't mind working with the person they were sitting next to as they were sitting with their friends. However, some were dreading it. Elestra in particular.

"Professor Umbridge?" she raised her hand slowly and put on a suck-up voice, "Could I- I mean- If it is possible- could we please move seats...not that any of your choices are wrong- it's just- you see-" she stumbled to find appropriate words for 'hate' and 'he-pisses-me-off'

"Now that you mention it, Miss. Ellington, I should give it some thought." Umbridge smiled at her. Elestra was surprised, but satisfied. "I've thought about it. Since you love sitting with Mr. Malfoy so much, you two shall sit together for the rest of the semester!" Elestra's smile faded quicker than Draco could process things. 

"But-" Elestra protested, but Umbridge refused to listen. After a few tries, she had given up trying, she didn't want a detention- not after the last time she'd gotten one. 

"I thought you'd want to sit with me...after that train ride..." Draco said with a cocky smile on his face.

Elestra flushed pink and her eyes widened. "Wha-No-" She collected her thoughts, "SH-SHUT UP! I already told you it wasn't my fault- I was asleep" Elestra hung her head down and averted her eyes, not daring to look him in the eye. 


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